Gold Items Q9, lowreq daggers and and a lot of other stuff
There's a lot of stuff there, so I'll just start with some
#9: 10/20e ?
#12: merch
#14: 5e
#18: 20e
#19: merch
#21: 15e
#22: 5/10e
#24: 5/10e
#25: merch
#30: merch
#33: merch
#34: 10/15e ?
#35: 5/10e
#36: 5/10e
#38: 5/10e
#41: 5/10e
#42: 5/10e
#43: merch
#46: 5/10e
Wait for more opinions
Thank you Gambino
Maybe someone can give some me PCs
Hey, nobody here for some more PCs?
That's a lot of items,
8. Useful for PvP but very common skin, based on what i see in kamadan around 30e ?
18. Q9 strombow inscri still have some value, around 20/30e
28. Merch if it's the core skin
34. More like 5e . I have tried to sell a Q10 CC inspi for days in Kamadan, the skin is nice but nobody was interested in a high req inspi.
35. 5/10e (same for 46 btw cause it's exactly the same item)
I agree with all the merch from Gambino (12,25,30,33,43) common skin inscriptible are just impossible to sell. Don't forget to recycle the mods tho.
For all the low req daggers i know they have some utility in speedclear if they are max damage and inscriptible (or OS with a 15%^ench) . Based on that i would merch the 29, the 32 and the 37 (15^hex), but wait more opinions to be sure
Thank you Oldschool!
Guess I will merch the items you two mentioned
would be really interested about those Kamas, they are filling up my chest for like 5 years... but tbh never tried to sell them in a proper way
July 8, 2020 at 4:38 PM Closed the thread.