PC Low Req Shields and Bow - CLOSED
Crude and gold leaf 30-40e
Sun and moon 20e ish
Thanks, looking for more opinions if possible
Sun is merch, or take whatever offered. Low req str is uesless, and few (not to say none) colletor for non max str shields.
Crude 20-30e, since q6 not really used, but decent skin.
Goldleaf, 10e or so, once a gain, not so usefull (maybe a bit at jq or ab ?)
Shoot Flash
June 18, 2020 at 2:31 AM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Low Req Shields and Bow” to “PC Low Req Shields and Bow - CLOSED”. -
June 18, 2020 at 10:25 AM Closed the thread.