I was wondering what the thought was to having a sub-forum for member to post their YouTube/Twitch channels for Guild Wars videos. I have found there is still interest in people watching streams or vids of the game and thought having our own sub-forum would make it a nice go to place for all of us interesting in promoting our channels, and finding more like minded people to follow.

Forum for Video/Streaming
- Official Post
I was wondering what the thought was to having a sub-forum for member to post their YouTube/Twitch channels for Guild Wars videos. I have found there is still interest in people watching streams or vids of the game and thought having our own sub-forum would make it a nice go to place for all of us interesting in promoting our channels, and finding more like minded people to follow.Good idea! The streaming forum is now live @ https://guildwarslegacy.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=36!
- Kev
Good idea! The streaming forum is now live @ https://guildwarslegacy.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=36!
- Kev
Excellent! Thank You!