The Armageddon Lords of Angmar [Ai]

  • [Ai] has been founded today (24-aug-2020), with aspirations to make this guild full and active, so everyone is welcome to join! I will do my best to get ourselves into a great allegiance once we have enough members as well!

    Regarding the guild: Kurzick guild mainly focussed on the English speaking community. Discord channel will be made in the near future, it will specialize, but not prioritize on FoW, UW, Urgoz Warren, EotN Dungeon Speed Clears and Zaishen dailies, but primarily just fun times to enjoy the game to it's fullest! Perhaps DoA / MTSC / AB / HA / Others will be added to the list if people are excited about those things as well

    Kick rate hasn't been determined yet, TBA

    About me: Hi everyone, I am quite the noob at this game, even after all these years. I just love playing the game and wish to share that with some of the best this community has to offer! Since my return to the game last March/April I've been in 2 very good guilds, one Luxon guild and one Kurzick respectively, both helped me get r6 for both allegiance ranks and now I thought, why not start my own guild? So here I am trying to go from 0 (or 1) to 100 as fast as possible ^^

    I hope you are willing to help me with this journey!
    Yours Truly, Hoger

  • Bump! We're still recruiting for more!

    A lot has changed for our Guild since launch! We have joined a great 10 guild alliance and are looking to become somewhat of a force to be reckoned with :3

    Message me in-game / on Discord / on this forum to learn more about us!

    IGN: Last Howling

  • bsoltan February 19, 2025 at 2:53 PM

    Closed the thread.