450a zodiac sword!

prenerf dye remover 25a/ea/q8 rainbow staff
500a zod
550a zod sword.
600a zod
September 23, 2022 at 3:47 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8+5e Zodiac Sword~Q8 15^50 Dragon Kamas,Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50” to “b/o added Q8+5e Zodiac Sword~Q8 15^50 Dragon Kamas,Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50”. -
700a zod sword
Cere Daggers~Q8 20a
b/o zodi sword
September 23, 2022 at 2:46 PM Changed the title of the thread from “b/o added Q8+5e Zodiac Sword~Q8 15^50 Dragon Kamas,Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50” to “Q8 Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50”. -
25a q8 cere
September 23, 2022 at 6:38 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8 Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50” to “NEW AGAIN Q8 Oni,Dragon Kamas,Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50”. -
b/o on cere daggers
September 23, 2022 at 6:46 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW AGAIN Q8 Oni,Dragon Kamas,Plague,Cere Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50” to “NEW AGAIN Q8 Oni,Dragon Kamas,Plague Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50~q8 plague bow 15^50”. -
- Official Post
Dragon Kamas 10a
Dragon Kamas 20a
- Official Post
25a kamas
30a Dragon Kamas
September 25, 2022 at 4:55 AM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW AGAIN Q8 Oni,Dragon Kamas,Plague Daggers~Q8 Fellblade 15^50~q8 plague bow 15^50” to “Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers ,Dragon Kamas ,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade”. -
r/b dragon kamas
bump r/b met on dragon kamas will sell soon if no more bids
September 25, 2022 at 11:45 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers ,Dragon Kamas ,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade” to “Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade”. -
briar blade 10a
Plague daggers 60a
35a sickle
40a sickle
bump added shadow blade and updated offers
September 27, 2022 at 9:39 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade” to “q8 Shadow Blade 15^50~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade”. -
50a shadow blade
briar 11a
briar 12a
September 28, 2022 at 9:17 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 Shadow Blade 15^50~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade” to “q11 DUAL RED~q8 Shadow Blade 15^50~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade”. -
bump q11 dual red added
- Official Post
50a dual reduc
September 28, 2022 at 11:34 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q11 DUAL RED~q8 Shadow Blade 15^50~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade” to “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade”. -
55a dual red
60a dual red
September 30, 2022 at 3:30 AM Changed the title of the thread from “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle, Oni daggers,Plague Daggers~Q8 Briar Blade” to “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle”. -
bump daggers sold
80a dual red
nik told me c/o is 100a ingame
so 105a
October 1, 2022 at 6:06 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle” to “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle~q8 Dz Shortbow~q7 Feathered Longbow 14-27~q8 perf OS Offhand”. -
bump added some more stuff
October 2, 2022 at 2:01 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle~q8 Dz Shortbow~q7 Feathered Longbow 14-27~q8 perf OS Offhand” to “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle~q8 Dz Shortbow~q8 OS Cere Cauldron +10Blunt+45w/e”. -
October 3, 2022 at 5:20 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q11 DUAL RED~Q8 OS 15^50 Sickle~q8 Dz Shortbow~q8 OS Cere Cauldron +10Blunt+45w/e” to “q8+5e Plagueborn Sword~q7 War Axe 15^Stance(Prenerf)”. -
bump q8+5e plague sword added
100a q8 plagueborn sword
October 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q8+5e Plagueborn Sword~q7 War Axe 15^Stance(Prenerf)” to “q7 War Axe 15^Stance(Prenerf)~q11 DUAL RED”. -
101a plag if it still around
October 4, 2022 at 12:39 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q7 War Axe 15^Stance(Prenerf)~q11 DUAL RED” to “q7 War Axe 15^Stance(Prenerf)~Q8 Sickle 15^50”. -
October 5, 2022 at 4:32 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q7 War Axe 15^Stance(Prenerf)~Q8 Sickle 15^50” to “q5 6/7~q6 15/15/15 *PRENERF STAVES*”. -