Others Items:
Primeval armor 12k (Hero Zemnai)
Cons (x30) ~~ [2e/ea]
Cupcakes (x2) ~~ [16e/stk]
Tome Elite P (x3) ~~ [1e/ea]
Insc Gold:
BDS Q13 Heal [160e]
Services Requested:
full campaign (NM):
Priority to Nightfall & Gwen
(my Paragon is lvl 4)
I am also looking for the other campaign (Factions & Prophecies)
offer me a price
I'm also looking for a runner to make me: Duncan the Black
I already did all the bosses before duncan
Illl Baba Yaga Illl (In-Game)
-|>🏄The Monk Surfer 🏄<|- (Discord)
You can answer me here on the post or contact me privately