PC: oldschool dualmod shields & q9 +15%/-5 Summit Axe & q9 15^50 Zodiac Hammer & low q Militia & Crude

  • Help me please!

    Also need a pc for this prenerf shield:

    skeletton q8 tac

    -3 (8%) - no hex/ench/stance, just -3

    +45hp ench

    golden, max

    **Mod Edit**

    Please read the Xunlai Rules.

    12. Price check threads.

    If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.


    Edited once, last by bsoltan: mod edit. (September 19, 2020 at 5:38 PM).

  • Pretty sure that Skeleton shield gonna go Decent numbers XX Arms at minimum. If I had it I wouldnt let go for less than around 100a

    The rest of your items arent bad, Id be happy with 10-50e for most of em.

    not specific numbers but you should have a better idea of what to expect.

    As most of us say, just put em up for sale and see what it does.

    Also wait for more Pc and more experienced opinions.


    Clould Strife:nec:Evi Strife

  • bsoltan October 22, 2020 at 1:47 AM

    Closed the thread.