PC on regular charr carvings in the post searing. Deciding whether or not to bring them post to sell during holidays or sell in pre. Thanks!
PC Regular Charr Carvings in Post - CLOSED
I think they're worth more in Pre than they are during the holidays in Post. During Halloween/Wintersday, a stack of Charr Carvings is only 83 1pt Sugar/Alc/Party.
Even if you were to spend all your stacks of carvings on Candy Canes, you'd see more profit from selling them in pre and converting the pre gold/black dye to post arms.
hard sell in pre, alot of us give them away on the nick day, but maybe can pull 5-10 each from someone who dosent have some
October 16, 2020 at 3:04 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Regular Charr Carvings” to “PC Regular Charr Carvings in Post - CLOSED”. -
October 16, 2020 at 3:31 PM Closed the thread.