hope you all doing good.
Feel free to ask any question and offer whatever fits you.
01 Celestial Staff, OS q9 communing, HCT 20% inspiration
02 Fire Staff, OS q12 fire 20/20
03 Flatbow, OS q12 +14% -1 HP
04 Long Sword, OS q9 +5e
05 White Reaver, OS q10 +15 w/e
06 Runic Axe, OS q10 +15 -1 energy
07 Runic Axe, OS q11 +15^50
08 Sephis Axe, OS q12 +5e
09 Shadow Blade, OS q9 naked
10 Spatha, OS q9 +15 w/e
11 Wayward Wand, OS q10 smiting, +5e^50, HCT 10%
12 Winged Staff, OS q9 smiting, HCT 20% divine favor
13 Zodiac Sword
14 Tall Shield, OS q9 tac, +10 vs. fire, reduces dazed duration 20%
15 Skull Shield, OS q9 tac, -2 w/e, +10 vs. fire
16 Skull Shield, blue inscr. q8 tac, armor: 15
17 Idol, blue inscr. q8 blood, e+12
18 Wingblade Sword, OS q10 +15 -1 energy
19 Shadow Bow, OS q10 +15% -1 HP
20 Eternal Bow, OS q11 +15 w/e
take care, cheers
ing: Vans Sweet