Closed. PC OS Items - Dual Mod Jugs/Paper Fan and other

  • **Mod Edit** Thread Closed

    Please read the Xunlai Rules.

    12. Price check threads.

    If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.

    Hi folks,

    I found this nice staff. Unfortunately it isn't the best skin. But maybe worth a little?:)

    Thx in advance

    Edited 2 times, last by bsoltan: mod edit (November 28, 2020 at 4:26 AM).

  • Imo : 1 - 10-15-20e..

    2 - merch / 1-5e or hero will be hard to sell

    3 - should be 30e at least but will be hard to sell

    4 - merch / 1-5e or hero will be hard to sell

    5 - 2-5e

    6 - merch / 1-5e or hero will be hard to sell

    7 - 10e more or less

    8 - 10-15-20e

    9 - i would merch it sadely

    10 - merch

    11 - merch or hero or 1-5e will be hard to sell

  • j1nx November 26, 2020 at 12:32 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “PC OS Items - Dual Mod Jugs/Paper Fan and other” to “PC OS Q9 20/20 Domination Staff”.
  • bump

    **Mod Edit**

    Please read the Xunlai Rules.

    12. Price check threads.

    If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.

    Edited once, last by bsoltan: mod edit (November 28, 2020 at 4:26 AM).

  • bsoltan November 28, 2020 at 4:24 AM

    Closed the thread.
  • bsoltan November 28, 2020 at 4:28 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “PC OS Q9 20/20 Domination Staff” to “Closed. PC OS Items - Dual Mod Jugs/Paper Fan and other”.