Q10 Divine Jugg

  • yea its nice drop and definetly has value, it all depends on interest so post it on sale and wait for offers before selling to random pm. GL

  • The jug is a nice skin for monks. Armor mod is less desired. 20% mod is very nice unfortunately its casting and not the more desired HSR mod. Q10 is also quite good.

    I sold a q9 armor mod 1/20 Paperfan for necro at ~35e.

    This jug I would personally let go at the 20e+ with mark. With HSR 20% at like 35e+.

    EDIT. The armor mod makes it basicly single mod just to maybe give some background to my PC. With a second % mod like 10% or 19% or even 20% this thing would rocket to multiple arms ranges depend on Wich percent mod and max or not

  • bsoltan January 27, 2021 at 10:25 AM

    Closed the thread.