Note: This is not a tutorial on the Halcyon farm. I simply present an alternative to the traditional M/W route.
Hi, after several requests I publish this small subject. My English is still as bad as ever, therefore I made a video. This video is quickly edited, I don't normally publish. In this video, the build is not mandatory, but the position in the corner is. The sooner the boss dies, the less likely you are to fail.
Build: OwQTc4nCR6ualoe4uMPYPAgQeAA (DF=11 / 8+3, Prot=14 / 10+3+1, Curses=12).
Equipment: 110HP (55HP without focus -50HP) + caster weapon (+20%ench Ene+5) and focus 20/20 prot.
In 2 words:
- Attacking the enemy that is targeted by SS will increase the damage speed. (He counterattacks faster)
- Use a weapon that doesn't do any damage. (Syncronized kills)
- Misplacement of enemies in the corner.
- Chest near the boss, change the movement of reinforcements located at the same position.
- Bad luck! (1-3% of the time).