Hello I would like to know if it is possible to find shields gold or purple req 0 insc with armor 15 or 16?

Shields Q0 Purple or Gold
Hello. I believe max armor for Q0 shield is 8. Theres nice thread made by Red Fireball in discussion section i think (of course other members provided many usefull informations for thread )
Req 0 is only blue and purple rarity and max armor is 8.
( acception for PvP is the PvP-Strength shield Wich is req9/16 but gives 9 armor when u have 0 Skilled STR instead of the usual 8 armor. That is a bug)
EDIT: Gold rarity lowest req is 3 for Drops from foes/chest. should have been more accurate
Wintergreen is only gold q0 shield
OK thank you for all this useful information I consider that the subject is closed because I had my answers