• Hi, I just want to ask a few question about OS items.

    1 ) OS items are items that cannot be upgraded with components or inscriptions right? for example I can't attach a "wand wrapping of memory" to an OS wand?

    2 ) I have weapons that can be upgraded with components but not inscriptions, are these still considered as OS or do they fall under another catagory?

    3 ) Finally, how do I know what's valuable? I've seen people sell OS items (that I personally think aren't very good, but I'm a noob when it come to this stuff) for large amounts of Ecto/Arms. Is there a range of requirements and stats an item must have to be considered valuable. Obviously q8/q9 with perfect stats are going to be valuable but could q10/q11 with perfect stats be valuable or q8/q9 with non-perfect stats be valuable or even q10/11 with non-perfect stats but a desired skin be valuable. What's the drop off point? I feel like I've merched a million golds worth of items because I never knew their value to other players.


  • Hey, 1st of all i start by answering to 3 that OS item market is very complex and there are all sorts of collectors for odd items, so you cant rly have any guide. Basically even q13 item can be worth xxx arms with some rare skin and perfect mods. Value is determined by skin+mods+req+demand, thesedays more than anything demand matters atleast for quick sales, some rly rare but more niche OS items can take years to be sold for "fair" amounth they used to sell for in past because there just isnt that much players left. But for safest bet, any shield+offhand+wand can be worth fortune even q13 if theyre perf mods. Staffs q9 20/20 and rarer skins higher reqs also can be worth money, for martial weapons, only q7-8 go for fortunes, q9+ only 15/-1 and some niche collectibles like clean values and prenerfs sell for someting. q9 15^50/+5e martials are in x-xx ecto range in general so no big losses mostly.

    Allright, so question nr1 Shields, wands and offhands cannot be modded at all, thats also the reason those can be worth fortunes with good mods, they are very rare to find!

    and last for nr2, anything that doesnt say "inscription" can be considered OS imo or atleast "clean" if theyre nf/eotn only skins.

    Hope it helps! When ure not sure on values, make a post on PC section, but keep in mind nowadays only posting for sale you can rly see what the demand right now is.

  • 3 ) Finally, how do I know what's valuable? I've seen people sell OS items that I personally think aren't very good

    I agree with Pleikki, it's very complex and randomly counterintuitive. One of the things that does not matter at all for an item's price is how 'good' or useful it is. Good example are q7-8 max dmg martial weapons, they have no added usefulness compared to q9. But they are rare and also popular for some reason. Price is always determined by supply & demand, but in gw the demand is not based on usefulness.

    OS shield/focus/wand with 2 perfect mods are the most rare, so those will be highest price (adjusted by demand). Then again, OS purple dual mod items are many times more rare than gold, but for some reason very few people like purple, so those will have lower price than golds in general. So yea, general advice is to keep all your OS dual mod perfect gold & purple shield/focus/wands. Post them in the price check section, don't sell in kamadan or to private offers if you get a lot of interest.

    >WTB< | ign Adanel Jade

    Edited once, last by Praise (February 17, 2021 at 7:48 PM).

  • Thanks guys I appreciate the reply, just one last thing, I got a Fiery Gladius drop in Vehtendi Valley in NF, however I am unable to apply an inscription to it such as "Strength and Honour" does this mean it is an OS weapon despite dropping in NF. I was looking on the Wiki and it says prefixes cannot be added but it never said anything about Inscriptions.