I understand these are desired by AB players. Is this worth auctioning?
CLOSED PC OS Q9 Dragoncrest Axe 15 Dmg -1 health
Yea it is worth cause many people collect dv/dz items
50e IMO is fair but if many people will need this skin you can get much more
Yes it's def worth auctioning.
50e for it would be a lowball offer.
It can easily reach 150-200e
Yeah that makes sense, so AB players will pay good ectos, but with perfect stats, it would be wasted in AB, more useful to a collector.
GvG players also need that kind of mods not only AB.
AB= Alliance battle?
Mostly the use is for GvG for not getting time killed. Same for HA but HA became much more casual and less competitive.
Or for generell cases where u wanna die, like when u get rushed and afk or some people use it for botting to kill there alt accounts in Codex arena for example.
I would also agree on auction. These items got some crazy bidwars in the past.
Yeah, given that's it's perfect, it would be a shame to use it for its intended purpose haha. Better with a collector.
Alan Firehazard
March 29, 2021 at 12:42 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC OS Q9 Dragoncrest Axe 15 Dmg -1 health” to “CLOSED PC OS Q9 Dragoncrest Axe 15 Dmg -1 health”. -
March 30, 2021 at 1:33 PM Closed the thread.