Posts by Emma
Pictures arent working
1g on everything
Well I believe a r8 15/-10 crene alrdy has 10a+ offers. A stance version should be worth more imo. R7 obviously a lot more
Fronis Liar NM, I once found a r8 sws inscr there and sold it for 100k way back in the day... felt like such a noob haha
This is my main character. I've came up with this armor combo years ago. It's an Elite Kurzick top with Labyrinthe everything else. To get the colours as they are I used 1x Brown dye and 3x Black dye on the Labyrinthe pieces and 1x Brown dye and 3x White dye on the Elite Kurzick top. I love how clean it looks and especialy wielding a Bo Staff.
I'm sorry for the amount of Obsidian here, but come on. This should have been the standard Elementalist Obsidian Armor set. The skirt is a normal Kurzick one.
I must admit, these gloves used to be Chaos Gloves, but as said in the OP there are too many Chaos Gloves in Kamadan so I decided to go with the Elite Kurzick ones to finish off the set. The Imperial armor legs fit seemlessly with the Elite Kurzick set. (As a proud Kurzick I prefer not to wear any Luxon armors).
Again, apologies for the Obsidian, but I think my Necromancer looks like a proper witch with this combination.
A play on a very common sight in Kamadan: Elite Gladiator top and Gloves. However I don't see it paired with Elite Kurzick that often (Again, I'm a proud Kurzick).
This might very well be my favorite armor combination, it's elegant. Im not apologizing for the Chaos Gloves, because they fit amazingly with her running Zodiac Staff.
My first Mesmer with a really nice armor combination. I will however change it soon I think as it is glitching with her Offhand.
This is the male version of my main Monk. Same Armors, except this time he is wearing Elite Kurzick leg pieces.
Wooden Buckler S/B
I have a whole bunch of Divine Shields, add me in game to take a look: Emma Pu Pu
I can't see this to be of any value at all, but I've been wrong so many times in the past few weeks that I'll resort to the following:
List it for sale and see where offers go xD -
I paid 15a for a r8 15^50 Plat Blade. So I reckon this would go for around 5-10a. However, as always: list it for sale and see where the bids go.
So this is going to be a long one..
I have spent a lot of time making my Warrior's weapons match as best I could. Not only by skin, but also by mods. Like most of us I don't like an Axe with +15wE combined with a shield with +45wSt. As long as one of the mods on the Shield matches the weapon, I am happy. I only have one set that doesn't have matching mods, but thanks to the rarity of both items I am not even going to bother finding another one. Take a look at the result and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
P.S. Can you believe I never really considered myself a "Warrior Collector"?
"The Big Four"
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"Core & Prophecies"
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"The Mausoleum"
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not with 27wSt
+41-45wSt drops today on gold items, anything below is prenerf
Yeah I’d want it too lol
Edit: but give/sell to Ash, as he was first vaha
Link doesnt work for me
edit: works now, I'd say not much more than 50e if you're lucky tbh.
You can't just leave us hanging like that... Now I'll lie in bed all night wondering what the q8 Defender is....
I swear to god I cant sleep right now and checked in to see if he posted the mods yet..
60e zodiac scepter
edit: was notified of in game offer, so upped mine
That wooden buckler is so crazy prenerf. You should 100% list it for sale so I can bid on it ;).
Regarding the Magmas. I think the r9 can generate 50-100e depending on interest. Its a very decent one.
Fire Magmas are always
Q13 Platinum Fire Staff 20/20 35e