Awesome stuff guys, really cool to see such amazing items!
Recently I had to take a break from Guild Wars due to health related issues, but I just missed it too much to stay away so I'm back. Before my little break there was one shield I wanted so bad for my +1/20 +30 collection, because it was one of the few skins I'm missing still. Upon my return I found out our beloved Defender/Tower Shield obsessed Red had acquired it for me. So now it's mine and I finally came around to add it to my collection. Once I placed it with the rest I noticed I now had r9, r10, r11, r12 and r13. My first complete r9-13 set I thought. Naturally I was going to post it, but I before I did that I decided I'd take a look at all my attribute shields and noticed I already had another complete r9-13 set. So here are both:
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The Diamond Aegis is the latest addition to what I thought was my first r9-13 set xD.
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My actual first r9-13 set..
Thanks Red