Posts by alixiax
Mod Edit:
Please keep in mind the rules on bumping:
Any post by you in your own thread is considered a bump.
Upon making your new thread, you must wait 24 hours or more before posting again in that thread.
Please take some time to read the Xunlai Rules.
I know the Price Check forum has some new rules, but posts should only be to answer questions/contribute to discussions.
Q9 healing
Q9 fast casting
Q13 earth
Been away for a few years.. no idea what anything is worth anymore so any help would be appreciated ty
Q8 illusion Energy 12 chimeric eye insc (blue)
Q9 dragon kamas
Q9 gothic dual axe
Q9 storm bow
Q9 guardian of the hunt
Q9 scarabshell aegis
Q10 mursaat hammer
Q9 stygian reaver
Q10 gothic axe
Q10 chromium shards
Q9 healing celestial compass
Q10 eternal bow
Q9 tactics eternal shield
Q9 mammoth axe
Q9 cyclopian wand
Q9 strength kappa shield
EL automatonic
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]Q10 onyx scepter[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]Q10 magma's arm[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]Q10 mursaat hammer[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]Q10 fiery embersteel blade[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]Q11 pyroclastic axe[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]Q11 amethyst aegis (mot)[/font][font="Hind, sans-serif"]Sry for o many questions lol been away a longgg time [/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"] ty[/font]
R9 tactics diamond aegis
r13 tactics sharktooth shieldty
Looking for someone who would be willing to run me from LA - ascalon for as cheap as possible. just back after 4 yrs to a hacked n stripped account
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]r9 jade sword. dmg 14% vs hexed / life draining 3 / health regen -1 [/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]gloom shield r13 tactic, received pys dmg -2 while enchanted, ar +10 vs blunt dmg[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]thanks[/font]
****mod edit----you are allowed to have only ONE open thread per section in Xunlai Market, also you must allow 24 hours after CLOSING your old thread before opening a new one---this is a warning!! Please take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules posted at the top of this forum!!! Because your threads have violated this rule they have been CLOSED---mod edit***
ign zapphire I
staff wrap ench 20%
zealous axe haft
dagger handle of defense
insightful staff head
bow grip of fortitude"strength and honor"
"i have the power"
"dont fear the reaper"
"sheltered by faith"
"ignorance is bliss"
"man for all seasons"UNIQUES
destructive blade
kaolin wand 10/10
bogroot staff resto
yamesh's anguish
deldrimor resto staff
lian's lantern
scepter of the keeper
prismatic staff
prismatic rod
tureps spearMINIS all unded
siege devourer
quetzal sly
thorn wolf
cave spider
desert griffon
cloudtouched simian
cobalt scabara
forest minotaur
word of madnessgreens:
bone dragon
candysmith marley
king adelbern
zhu hanuku
white rabbit
flame djinn x3
water djinn
green r9 non insc exalted aegis - rpd -5 20% / +30hp
green r9 mot stygian aegis +30hp / ar +10 vs demons
4 x bison cups
EL hero tonics :- olias, livia, margrid the sly, morgahn, acolyte jin, MoW, gwen
stack of bones x3
mysterious tonic x20
stack of scales
stack of wood planks
stack of glittering dust
554 alc pointsr9 jade sword. dmg 14% vs hexed / life draining 3 / health regen -1
ign:- Zapphire I
Could i please get a pc on r9 mot scarabshell aegis?
R8 +12e illusion focus (blue) insc
blue r5 +10e insc prot focus