Posts by San
i'll take the q6 oni daggers
Value would sit between 15-30a imo for this Chaos Axe.
Consider posting your other items aswell, as the most valuable prenerf items generally are'nt the most obvious ones.
Take a look over here if you're not sure if something is prenerf or not. -
Spun Ducky let's arrange a time to meet up ingame. -
Finally found the post nerf 15^50's today. Creating a pretty satisfying set.
Selling the Dead Staff tomorrow. -
Inspired by the Q8 sword I did a Q8 chest run tour. Got these 2.
I think they are worth something?
Aww man too bad the Dragon Kamas are'nt 15^50. Would've happily given you atleast 5a for em. Very nice drops regardless though. Worth putting for sale.
drop of the year.
More like drop of the decade. The odds of not just a max q8 gold sword drop but also one identifying with a perfect 15^50 is just bonkers!
I can't help but think you messed up not buying a lottery ticket today tbh this drop is absolutely insane. The wet dream of any farmer/chest runner!
q8 zodiac sword +15% -10a(wa) 8a
You guys do realize that Zodiac Staff is single mod right?Hehe no worries SafeOfBlossoms
Looks like OP has been mia for a good while aswell. Auction does'nt appear to be active anymore.
20a to get you started
Selling the dead fire staff towards the end of the week -
25a jade daggers
You can probably get a bit more. Put it for sale and let people bid.
25e q0 8-16 suntouched scythe
Added a q8 Platinum Staff. -
6a each zod and ghostly staff
Appreciate the offers so far.
Up! -
Favor is up! (59 minutes left)
May RNGesus bless your drops! -
New items for sale. -
between 10 and 30e or so
The 1 off really kills the value. Degrades it from a couple arms to a couple ecto's.
Selling items that met their r/b as soon as I catch the c/o holders ingame.
chrono Onaryen Rage @T Miles Test