done - Thanks!
Posts by zushi
Could you share some of your progress in ironman topic ? How many iron players did you get in run ? Congratz !
Thanks! We had 4 players in this uw run. We've played lots of original hc-ironman in the past, but recently we have played with some different inhouse rules. We're playing with completely new accounts (only hc characters) so that we can access xunlai, and trade between the players among us, so its not "pure" ironman in that sense. Trading & playing with external players is forbidden and we delete chars if they die, alongside their inventory. Pretty much trying to replicate the original gaming experience, except with some limiting rules. Its been quite fun
b u m p
looking to finish sale soon
Thanks so far
b u m p
Sellin this beauty that's been collecting dust for years
s/b 1a c/o 15a r/b xa
Echovald Shield Strength Q12 +45 Enchanted +1 Divine 20%
10/10 cele scepter 30e
curious if this blade is worth anything nowadays? Thanks.
Thank you for sharing! This is one of my favorite runs as well in both HM and NM (for Q8s).
I am curious for the purpose of rarity, out of the Vermin chests specifically, how many paper lanterns did you get if any?
My pleasure! Im afraid it's hard to recall after many years, but I think I dont remember getting any gold lanters from these exact 1000 runs
I do think one or two purple ones did though.
Adding my two cents here.
The 7 runs out of 1000 having four chests sounds about right. You noted that all 7 included the nearby jade brotherhood chest, but it IS possible to get a run with 4 vermin chests. In the few thousand runs I’ve done here, I’ve only seen it once (and pretty recently). Pretty sure I noted the locations on that run, will see when I get home.
Agent Chevy i haven’t kept a detailed list of what I’ve gotten (maybe I should start…) but in the several thousand chests I’ve done here, I can remember exactly two lanterns. If that helps :p
4 vermin chests would be sick and good ROI for sure haha
As promised, I'll go through some of my numbers regarding my 1000 vermin runs! Preceding apologizes for the layout of this post, my editing skills are what they are.
As we all know, 5 chests appear (unless bugged) in xaquang skyway when running in hard mode. The biggest setback of running these in HM is the fact that tomes drop in HM, reducing the amount of weapon drops.
The time of the run ranges from 1min and 20seconds to 2minutes, depending on the amount of chests that spawn and other factors. Different running builds also make a difference of course. Sometimes I also used pcons for the fun of it.
You should consider that the jade chests I looted naturally affected some of the statistics.
Here is the route:
As a twist to mess up my statistics I also looted a jade chest that can be spotted at the entrance of the bridge (if it spawned). The chest around this mob spawned in a little over 12% of my runs. These jade chests also drop salvage items unlike vermin chests.
Important to note: If I remember correctly, all celestial drops in HM Xaquang are gold.
Some numbers:
Total Runs: 1000
Total Gold drops: 1150
Total Celestial drops: 528
Chests Spawned on the route: 1809
Jade Chests Spawned: 123
Average amount of chest/run: 1.809
Avg amount of Gold drops/run: 1.15
Avg gold drops/chest: 0.6357
Avg Celestial drop/run: 0.528
Avg Celestial drop per vermin chest: 0.3132
Some fun statistics:
7 runs of 1000 had 4 chests in the route (0.7%), all of them with the jade chest spawned.
27 runs of 1000 had 0 chests in the route (2.7%). In these cases I would often turn around and run the entire map.
My favourite drop so far from running these chests has to be this bladed. The shield dropped at the beginning of my OS collecting journey and holds a special place in my heart. However, this dropped a long time before I decided to do this 1000 run research.
Another nice drop is a q9 fire 20/20 cockatrice staff, and a ton of other drops of course. A matching 20/20 celestial scepter must be the rarest celestial drop one could loot here, at least in hard mode.
Hope you enjoyed.
Many years ago I made 1000 runs of vermins in xaquang skyway collecting statistics of average amounts of chests, gold drops, and celestial drops. Is there interest here for the results? please let me know if anyone is interested!
edit: awesome, ill post some results :cool:
xaquang skyway is one of my favorite running places for sure, but only the vermin part. Even did 1000 run drop research there a few years ago
guild wars treated me well
there was a booring map on other game so I logged in to do a chest run lol. dont rly care if botters have ruined the pricing, this one will stay as a memory being the best drop from my favourite chest run
dropped for my ironman character today. Funny how this mode has changed the gameplay experience completely for me. Staff went straight to my friend, who is responsible for keeping our hc chars alive
According to red's research its almost as good as q6's go, didn't quite break the records though..
#1: really cool only market interest will tell! 75-200e perhaps. With interest can go alot higher nowadays.
#2: 10-25e perhaps
#3: 5-20e
#4: herofood/merch
#5: herofood/merch
#6: 15-40e
-Just my opinions gl
700e amber
500e amber
#1 & #6 = le merchante
lmk if interested
the 2020 zodiac should bring a ton of arms, easily worth 50a+ imo, depends on interest I guess. It is a skin which value has not been ruined by botting, such as plats/bo's/dragon staves..
20/10 q9 staves could fetch 5-50e depending on attri/skin, if u find buyers.
just my thoughs gl!
10e plag focus
b/o writhing focus