well the buckler can still drop like it, is singlemod and the mod isn't particularly useful nor max. it is merch.
the bows are nice - can't drop max q8s anymore - plagueborn recurve I'd expect 50a+, amber around 20a
Thanks Red Fireball!!!
well the buckler can still drop like it, is singlemod and the mod isn't particularly useful nor max. it is merch.
the bows are nice - can't drop max q8s anymore - plagueborn recurve I'd expect 50a+, amber around 20a
Thanks Red Fireball!!!
are the bows 14-27 or 15-28? buckler is merch unless it has a gold value above ~300g
And the bucker I thought it would have something more value.
Thanks Aliss.
-Eternal bow q9 +5 (no insc)
-Plagueborn Recurve Bow q8 15/enchant (no insc)
-Amber Longbow q8 +15dam/-10arm (no ins)
-Wooden Buckler q8 -5/19 (no ins)
(All golden and max damage.)
Thanks for all guys!!
-Eternal bow q8 +5 (no insc) - If you actually own this I'd love to see it ingame (in fact I'll even give you 2 armbraces just for showing it to me in a trade window). If not then I'll go ahead and say that the chance of you finding one is less than 0. Which would also serve as a price check I guess, whatever a potential owner want is the price since it would be 1 of a kind in this game.
Corrected, sorry typing error.
We both would have liked the truth.
Thanks for price.
Hey guys!
-Eternal bow q9 +5 (no insc)
-Plagueborn Recurve Bow q8 15/enchant (no insc)
-Kukris q8 +5 (no insc)
Thanks for all guys!!
Not much value in any of the tonics. I would personally delete/giveaway them. You can always try hard to sell each for ecto/some plats. Btw for more common things feel free to check out kamadan trade chat for comparision on prices
People usually give those for free because there are hundreds if not thousands in the game. The last time I tried to sell an anniversary white/purple tonic was for 1k and no one whispered me in hours. I also did a giveaway in the !All chat in the middle of Kamadan and nothing again. And same with the miniatures. Maybe you have luck and someone clueless buys them.
thanks close thread
GG brou
Hey friends!
I need PC everlasting tonic:
-Zhed. (Purple)
-Jora (Purple)
-Sousuke. (White)
-Dunkoro (White)
-Xandra (White)
-Dunkoro (White)
Thanks staff
Hey brous!
Price for Armbrace
-Celestial sold b/o (IvoryR)
-Eternal last bump and last weekend for the moment (Agent Chevy 3a).
Last Bump guys
-Celestial bow 15a (IvoryR)
-Eternal bow 2a (Cataphract)
Hey brous!!
I need price plis.
Eternal bow q9 (no insc)
Celestial bow q8 (no insc)
Thanks guys