c21 150e
c21 150e
another one
Thx for the offers
bump. added a lot of new items (&deleted the ones that were sold)
You also have this, although it's currently resting in my happy tree friends collection.
If you want it back, all I require is another customized item (no matter the value)Just figured you might have forgotten about it after all these years
Also sorry for going rogue in your thread
Haha, tbh I actually did forget about this one! But please keep it - it was a gift & it's yours now (even if it has my name on it)
Coming up next: The first req7 max axe I ever bought and to this day one of my all time favourite warrior items.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
since I really enjoyed the collection thread of Capitalist I'm gonna do it in a similar fashion and just post an individual item or small set every now and then.
I've been away from GW since more or less 5-6years and didn't really purchase anything new since then, so for those that knew my collection from back in the day there won't be any great additions.
But I still hope you enjoy some of the relics as much as I sure do
So first of all...
...guess my favourite sword skin?
maybe... but its 14^50 sadly, i know q7 11,12,13^50 but strangelly its really rare 14^50
it's a canthan skin. there is not a single 11,12,13^50 gold canthan weapon...
about the pc:
it's a niche market. that's for sure... I'm pretty sure few people would be interested in preserving a relic of old times for a few ectos or even arms. Won't be much though. Up to you if it's worth selling then.
thanks for the offers.
sold undead crude.
everything else is still on the table.
tyvm for the offers. most r/b have been reached.
So as long as nobody offers within the next 24hrs I'll contact anyone with the current offer.
Thx for the offers. Bump
Hey man,
i got two items that might be interesting for u:
Gladius q9 15/-1hp 400gv
Aureate Aegis q9com inscr 400gv
feel free to msg me if interested
I'll only be online every once in a while. but if you catch me online feel free to message me and I'll gladly join your chestrunning gang.
IGN: Mrs Morphium
what a beauty. It's really rare to find that staff with prenerfed mods. Especially not as req8 and fitting hct attribute.
Dont rush the sale... give people at least a few days to offer. Sure there will be a few people interested
Just remember kids...
The correct formula to find your adjusted e-peen size is ((L*D)+(W/G))/(A^2).
Length times Diameter plus Weight over Girth divided by Angle of the tip squared.
And as you can see, having your name scribbled over it or not doesn't affect the outcome.
one of the rarest (if not the rarest) canthan sword skin to come as req8.
Don't rush your sale. Open a thread and let people go nuts...
I've been gone for too long but it'll be a high triple digit amount of armbraces if u find the right buyer.
Good luck
Don't listen to this bs.. Wait for someone with a clue
I've been gone forever but I promise you you will get at least 10 Arms for it.
But like I said... might wanna wait for someone with expertise.
I didn't log into this game since like 2 or maybe 3yrs. I really dont know. But I still check out threads like this for all the nice memories.
Recently there have been so many weird egocentrical posts, bragging or weird discussions about what or how or how not you're supposed to collect.
Really sad to see this kind of nonsense.
Therefore I enjoy posts like the last two of Mortified Mango even more than before.
Nice selection of items (love that gothic set... really classy), nice editing and great humour.
Keep 'em coming!
the quest takes place @ Kaineng center. so no, I'm pretty sure it was not inscr Ectoplasmus
PM me with details:
Size(s) of the Banners u want
Text / Images u want included
If u have screenshots of your character (s), guildmates, ur cape and so on that u want to be included put them on a google drive and send me the link
Hopefully I'll have time to work out smth during next week.
When finished I'll pm u my working hours and u can pay as many ecto/arms u consider fair.
Daaamn, this thread really makes me want to get back into the game Gotta check eBay for used laptops now...
Your aim looks far too challenging for me, but I really want to setup my own challenge for titles or new acquirements now.
Wish you all the best on your journey!
Purely & Kromp... you guys killed it.
Can't get any better. gg
gothic+plat > gloom+plat imo...
But still really nice sets ikki
amazing set oofus!
earth staff will be 10a+ if obsidian skin.. shouldnt rush to sell
50e? What are u guys smoking?
The last wand I remember that it could be compared to was the illu 20/20inspiration celestial wand. And even few years ago, before the inflation, that one was sold for 200e+
The waywards attributes are equally shit but it's incredibly rare.
Anything less than 1000e would be a joke imo. (And I wouldnt let it go for even more. Chances you'll stumble over another 20/20wayward in open market are near 0)
Great find/purchase Xander!
there's a list on guildwiki that tells you which Bosses use the skill. Sorted by profession/attribute/campaign.
Worked pretty well for me back in the day.
Not truly a collection (yet) but in the least the beginning of an adventure in that domain for me (the first
@W E E E E E E E E E is to be thanked to giving me all the things I ever wanted to start that nature themed setup
End Goal : Briar Q8 Blue + Purple + Gold (if possible) + Full setup of Oaken Aegis Q8 Tactics, it'll take time, but I'll manage
Nice one kormir! Best post I've seen in this thread in a while!
Don't forget Urgoz Longbow on your Ranger! Best nature themed skin ever (imo).
GL with your collection.
since u can get q6/11inscr foci I dont think its worth much. But wait for another opinion... I havent been around since a while