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Sorry my bad. Fixed.
Again: Great Job. Lovely shields ❤️
B/O #2 plz
IGN Mrs Larkin
nonmax usually really kills the price of os shields. Still a nice skin and decent mods.
somewhere 10-50ecto with some time spent in kamadan would be my guess: I personally would take any offer I'd get cause nonmax shields are pretty tough to sell most of the time.
LOOKING FOR ANY REQ13 13^50 GOLD AXE. PAYING 10a for any skin. More for nice skins.
Tormented Spear
If u accept offers: 100e
Can we confirm which skin is being sold please?
you can trust San on that. Tyrian Sickle doesn't come as OS gold... that's a fact
cleaver 10a+69g if canthan skin (could use a confirmation on that skin though :D)
Absolutely stunning collection!
Both merchant
Last Bump. Mango sorry but I won't sell for 10a.
If you really need the item please check out r/b + b/o. I'd prefer to keep the item if r/b won't be reached.
Cleaver 10a if canthan skin
5a (10 max) IMO
At least that’s what I paid & what a ornate shield is on the market for right now.
#14: 150e or 1a (whatever u prefer)
68. Zodiac Wand r9 Divine Favor 10/10 [1] 100ecto
Q8 13e halfmoon 10a
q8 Half Moon (Gold) +13% Enchant gv 244
Try posting the screenshots in English.
It‘s an Ornate Shield
Q9tac 10demons 41ench for anyone wondering.
Pc should be 100-200e
Iridescent q9 30/-2 : 15a
You're too kind, but I don't actually own this one lol. Just have pics of many old oddities courtesy of the archives
(if I did have it suz would have already killed me for it anyway)
Haha too bad. Maybe the current owner will reveal himself when seeing this
Haha yes. Forgot who ended up buying it but I‘m honestly glad it ended up in your hands
wow i curse the day i didn't have 70a to buy the cele sword q7 15-22
let's raise prices let's loot the rich haha
Don’t worry man. When I bought my q7 jitte for 750e I refused to buy a q7 15/-10 GPB for another 250e because I thought 15/-10 sucks 😂
Theres a lot of items I regret selling and a lot more I regret not buying ages ago.
item is not sold. I retract from selling.
i recently had this price checked (single digit arms) and received a total of 5 pm‘s that said they‘d pay more. So here’s your chance for one of the mods.
I personally think that these mods today are just as rare as the nerfed weapons are and I‘ll only let it go if I get a great offer. So please don’t hate me if I retract.
With enough interest I might throw in axe/hammer mods, too.
S/B: 1a
C/O: 10a Mango
R/B: 17a
B/O: 22a
No legit player can compete with these crazy number of arms getting thrown around over there. With maybe the exception of a handful OG trader/collectors, most of them are botters and RMT'ers. Such is the state of this wonderful game.
I mean it's a crazy item and deserves a crazy number of arms (so I think the price for the item is fine if you compare it to other items on the current market).
But I totally agree with you on the fact that the economy is absolutely f*ed (even for "regular" items...). And the fact alone that "random people" are able to just throw in thousand arms+ offers is ridiculous
3a or 450e whatever u prefer on gloom prot
Prot gloom 350e
I wouldn't necessarily say that gold versions should be worth more for these kinds of items.
But I agree on the price check for the gold version... Could probably get 2-5a for this one, too.