Posts by MaxBorken

    Kromp’s analogy is very apt.

    They usually are.

    Nevertheless, owning a BMW does not a BMW collector make. Owning several BMWs does. And owning the rarest first edition of a particularly celebrated year, or the one a major celebrity once owned with the diamond dashboard and the custom paint job - those are the ones the collectors want. They are the r8 crystas, the r9 perfect crystas, the +5e crystas. Some are more equal than others.

    I say this because I own such a set of Crystallines, assembled only once in the history of the game, and which will never be replicated again.

    There are many OS gold crystallines, but a few individuals, and one set stand apart.

    I’d say higher than that...

    Unless I’m missing something, those only drop in the FoW? And can’t drop r8 max now.... Correct me if I’m wrong...

    And as such, that makes it pre-nerf? I’m not certain, but I have a nagging feeling... The baddies had their levels raised out of the range for producing r8 max stuff now?

    I’m not 100%, but it feels right....

    Ah right... it’s a good point. Gold non-inscribable crystalline swords haven’t dropped since 2006. Only the golds are super valuable. Inscribable golds drop all day every day, farmed by the cheaty bots or the cheaty synchers in the halls of heroes, and aren’t valuable at all compared to the non-inscribables.

    Non-inscribable purples still drop, which is why they’re not valuable. Unless it’s purple with a pre-nerf mod, dropped before 2006.

    Have a look at the “truth about pre-nerf “ thread at the top of this section 👍🏻

    It’s true - there are more gold non-inscribable crystalline swords in existence than Dwarven axes or swamp clubs....

    And a r11 14/ench crystalline wouldn’t turn my head, even though it would probably sell for crazy amounts these days, purely because it’s a non-inscribable crystalline sword.

    But the measure of a crystalline sword collector is the quality of the pieces he has. There are some spectacular versions out there, mainly in the hands of the legendary collectors... as The Captain says, his r13+5e is one of those legendary swords. There is an r11 version and another r13 in existence too.

    Rarity and connoisseurship is all about the quality of the crystalline sword’s mod and requirement, rather than just owning one.

    A set of r9 crystalline swords with sequentially numbered mods for example....

    If that serpent axe is Tyrian skinned, you’ve hit the jackpot. 50-100a+. If it’s Canthan, it’s junk. Be careful as people will try and convince you you’re sitting on a canthan one while trying to scam you for it. Know the differences in the skin and compare very carefully as the differences are small. Don’t let anyone persuade you to drop it on the ground so they can compare.

    If it’s Tyrian.

    And the r8 zodiac hammer could go high too with sufficient interest.

    There are rarer weapons than crystalline swords, but generally they are considered the pinnacle of martial weapons. Gold non inscribable versions haven’t dropped since 2006, and as such are excruciatingly rare. Decent stats are even more sought after.

    Let’s be honest though. It’s because they are impossibly fragile massive swords made of glass. Who doesn’t love an impossibly fragile massive sword made out of glass? I know I do. It’s the stuff of legends, especially as they are unobtainable now. I even have a few.

    I do what I can. I’m always happy to help a friend, guildmate and fellow collector.

    But I feel I must point out that I’m just a part of the overall team that runs this part of the guildwars universe. The credit should go to to Kevin for this website. He’s the one with his finger on the servers. I’m not capable of building anything like this. I’m the loudmouth opinionated one. Kev is the real genius behind this site, and shares the monthly cost with me. And the day to day moderating is performed brilliantly by Cosy. And without the rest of the team we have, this wouldn’t have happened. Heroes all.


    Is this when you pop up out of my phone whirling-dervish style and remove this troublemaker from our collective sight (and your site)??

    no, sadly not even I am that super. 😉

    However, I must enforce the rules here and draw this discussion to a close. Technically I need to be warning a few people including myself for not sticking to price checking only, so now I shall close this thread as the answers have been given.

    Curious what is with the gold value comments. Is it because it’s an axe? I have max Q7s which are all 130ish gold. I don’t know much about prenerf martial weapons.

    Anyhow as most have said that axe is fake until proven real. If real I would love to see though :)

    my max r7 swords are 176, 180, 180 and 192 gold value.

    If that axe is real, it’s one of the greatest items in the history of the game. It’ll re-write the history and rule books.

    If it’s real.

    But as the others have said, you’re going to need to prove that exists. In game.

    R10 +29 -5/20% crude shields have dropped since the servers were first turned on. And they can still drop today. Some will have dropped since before the great nerfs, and some will have dropped this week. If a gold value range can determine one from the other, then so be it. If there’s is no way to tell, then it cannot be called pre-nerf with any degree of certainty.

    It’s about the ones that can be clearly seen to be pre-nerf.

    It seems straightforward to me. Any attribute that cannot be produced by the game today is pre-nerf. If we have two identical weapons, and one has a gold value that cannot be reproduced today, then that weapon is pre-nerf.

    If any part of a weapon (colour, skin, gold value, requirement, mods etc) cannot be produced by the game today, it’s pre-nerf.

    That forbidden staff is a jackpot. It’s one of those super items that can’t be valued in my opinion. It’s pre-nerf, r8 and perfect.

    Don’t sell any of those in game or to private offers - you’ll rip yourself off spectacularly.

    List them for sale here and see where the bids take you.

    I’d just like to add something to my previous post.

    While it feels that Legacy and myself have fused together sometimes, my own opinions are not those of Legacy. My opinions are my own, and I don’t solely represent the opinion of the staff team. I’m still just Max, and still just a member of the Legacy team. I’m no more important than any of the others. More vocal perhaps.....

    So you know when you have to read a post a few times to check you read it right the first few because it strikes a chord with you? Well that just happened to me.


    You’re more right than I think you know. If I’m honest, I’m struggling a bit with my stance on this issue, and I find it intriguing that you have noticed. The last two and a half years since guru died and we started Legacy has seen my role change somewhat from just being a collector (albeit an outspoken one) to becoming some sort of ambassador for the community in general. And I’ll be honest - it’s not my natural role. I’m having to grow into it. But I am learning all the time, and I don’t always get it right. I have found myself in this position more through luck than judgement. I have been driving Legacy forward (financially and directionally too) since it started, and it has put me in positions I never imagined i’d find myself. I wanted to be known as a collector, and instead myself and Legacy have become entwined as one. I have established direct lines of communication with the Devs and other people at Anet, as well as other community elders, and by working with Kevin this little site has become more successful than we ever imagined. We are planning things that we never dreamed we might.

    But that has meant I have had to change my approach gradually. And yes, I suopose I am trying to be an ambassador for the community, because I believe in it passionately and will do whatever I can to keep it alive. And I find myself in a position to directly influence and drive things forward. So to that end, I do feel I have to listen to both sides of every argument instead of just stubbornly asserting one position as I used to.

    The issue around toolbox is unique however. I have never used it, so I don’t know it. But I know that large numbers of our community do. My old-Max head says it’s cheating - and my personal feelings back that up. But my ambassador head recognises that it has a large user base, and those guys are as much a part of our community as anyone else. So where does my opinion decide to go, given that I’m naturally torn? Well I have to be responsible because that is the position I find myself in. To follow my heart and call for Toolbox to be banned would certainly fit with old-Max, but community-Max has to take a whole community view. And I’m struggling a bit as I said.

    The interesting part of all this is that Toolbox has filled the void caused by years of no development from Anet. Many of the features of Toolbox would likely have ended up being implemented into the game though evolution. So we find ourselves at a unique crossroads. Anet’s neglect caused Toolbox to be what it is today. And it would be tantamount to burying one’s head in the sand to think otherwise. And yet it doesn’t comply with the EULA. That’s the very definition of irony.

    So you’re right. And you have noticed that I struggle with this role. I didn’t expect to still be in this position, but here we are. It’s evolving all the time, and I’ll continue to try and keep up with that.

    I certainly don’t want Toolbox to divide the community. I spend all my energy trying to bring it all together somehow. To me, middle ground at this stage feels the right way to be going. But of course, I’m just a guy, same as any of us. And old-Max is having to evolve.

    Oh yes. I don’t get the impression it’s at the top of their to do list. Especially as it’s being done on a voluntary basis for now. But it’s precisely because their work is voluntary right now that neither releasing funds for either a re-write of the code nor dealing with ban appeals are likely. At this stage, I’d say something more generic, sweeping and final would be more likely unless an agreement can be reached. Or nothing happens at all.....