Posts by MaxBorken
That’s one of those items that doesn’t really have a set value. It’s very very rare to see a perfect one in r8 with those mods.
It could well be in the 50-150a range, but which end of that it reaches will depend on demand. It could even go higher if there’s a bid war, or it could top out at 30a. No way to know in advance of an auction.
The one piece of advice I’d give you is not to sell it to private offers, because there will be quite a lot of interest, and I’d wager you’ve already had quite a few PMs asking to buy it quick. List it for sale here and watch it go.
I choose to let my eyes believe such an epic thing exists!!!
I thought I was the only one!
And another one.
Alrighty then.
Let’s put another bump on this.
The FDS is sold pending delivery to a fair offer.
Added r/b for the serpent axe.
Up we go.
Thanks for the offers, but still a long way to go. Keep ‘em coming.
Anywhere from 25a to well, no one knows.
Sure, it’s 7/16, and sure, the mods are max. But those mods aren’t a sought after combination, so you’re looking at 7/16 or SotW collectors.
I bet you’ve already had some PMs asking to buy it quickly. Don’t.
List it for sale here, take your time to find the collectors and definitely don’t take private or in game offers.
What madness is this?
Who even does that?
Surely nobody has more than one of the same thing? Even though when you collect something you want more of the same kind.
Bump for axe.
Added FDS
Greetings folks.
Im selling a Miniature Grawl in Presearing in exchange for post-searing armbraces only. We’ll use Emma as a Trade mod if you insist on one, but I’d like to think my reputation will mean a trade mod shouldn’t be necessary.
175a buyout only
That crude shield is spectacular. And almost impossible to value. I can’t help on its value though as I need it for my own collection, and will be prepared to bid hard to acquire it if you decide to sell it, so would create a huge conflict of interest if I were to value it.
And I agree with Pleikki about the long swords.
I just wanted to know if such shields are still around
There are a many 7/16 perfect dual mod shields. Must be over a hundred on active accounts. And at least ten or so perfect dual mod 7/16 celestials knocking around, although a few of those haven’t been seen for over a year.
Celestials are among the most common skins for 7/16 as they were available at the relatively early stages of Factions so were dropping frequently for a while before they got nerfed.
He’s not completely inactive. He’s around and will likely read this now he’s been tagged. I have him on Facebook.
I doubt he’d sell though.
BUT then i got this beauty. Worlds first dual vamp Shortspear!
(ofc its a shortbow)
You’re clearly mistaken. That’s a Shortspear. It even says that very clearly With no editing or photoshopping whatsoever. Definitely a shortspear.
Yep, 10-20a range but equally could go higher with sufficient interest.
Definitely worth something.
Don’t sell it to private offers, list it for sale here and see where the bids go.
8/16 defenders don’t come up very often so there isn’t much historical info to go on.
There will certainly be some interest in it, but how much depends on a thousand different things.
A similar shield of mine (7/16 tall -3/10) got 6a as highest offer on this board a few weeks ago.
I’d say a 7/16 -3(10%) tall shield is a much nicer specimen of a single mod pre-nerf than this one though.
That’s going to raise quite a few eyebrows. It’s pre-nerf for the 7/16 as well as the -1 mod. It’s not particularly valuable, but will generate a fair amount of interest as I can think of 5+ people right off the bat who might be interested.
Triple digit ectos, possibly double digit armbraces is possible, but as there’s no historical data for it to compare, who actually knows? Probably some will claim to know, but it’s all speculation.
List is for sale and see where it goes 👍🏻
The goldies are definitely pre-nerf.
But that doesn’t always equate to being valuable. Fortunately, the Amber longbow skin is fairly desirable, so even with the non-max mod on it you’ll generate some interest. You’ll likely receive a price check unhelpfully giving a maximum price it could achieve under the right conditions, and a minimum price below which you’d be ripping yourself off, but those conditions are a hypothetical situation and impossible to gauge. Random numbers plucked out of the air.
The staff, although still pre-nerf isn’t as valuable, but there will likely be interest due to the pre-nerfery.
The only way to tell will be to list them both for sale and watch where the bids go, and definitely don’t sell them to private messages, especially private messages from people providing random numbers plucked out of the air.
The only way to find out is to identify it and then ask 😬
Jeez, this is exhausting.
C'mon now, Pyro. You seem to be suggesting that nobody has any real idea what things may be worth. That's disingenuous at best. Are you trying to say that when a lot of the experienced collectors on Legacy get a nice drop, they don't instantly have a ballpark figure as to what it may sell for? Because frankly, that's horseshit. And not a small amount. A giant, steaming, smelly pile that you'd need a backhoe to manage.
Well yes, that’s exactly the point. We can’t know a ballpark figure as to what it may sell for. We can tell straight away if there will be demand, and we can ascertain whether it’s worth taking the time to sell it, but even ballpark figures are guesses. There are so many variables that can affect the eventual sale price. How many people are likely to be interested? Are they currently active? Is the seller after a quick sale or can they wait for the perfect buyer? Does the perfect buyer even exist? Do they have funds available to bid with? Has some random just bought a load of arms on daddy’s credit card to drive the bids up?
The only things we know for certain is that an item has potential. We know instantly that a r9 +30 -2/stance plagueborn shield has potential. It ticks all the right boxes, and is certainly going to be worth selling. But 10a? 45a? 100a? Nobody can put a number on that before the sale process runs its course. Any of those numbers are perfectly achievable for that shield in current market conditions. And it depends on the timing of any one the variables mentioned above as to which end of its potential it will reach. And most likely a combination of those variables will come into play.
So yes, when a lot of the experienced collectors on Legacy get a nice drop or find a gem in Kamadan they don't instantly have a ballpark figure as to what it may sell for.
Also, the definition of ballpark figure needs addressing. Take the plagueborn example again. What’s a ballpark figure when the potential range for it is 10-100a? Is it 50a? It could conceivably be. is it 30a? That could also conceivably be ballpark too. How about 65?
Items that are regularly sold can be tracked. Inscribable crystalline swords for example. Items like that plagueborn shield can’t be tracked because the data scarcely exists, and any that does is a long way out of date. And the variables are wildly different.
All we can say with any certainty is that an item has potential. Ballparks are an awful way of guessing what that potential could be.
Well, this is actually far more constructive than I expected it to be, with the notable exception of a few flames which have been deleted.
I wonder if this issue (as both alluded to and expressly said already) has been caused by all of us. Are we all somewhat guilty of complacency and neglect of our community duties by not providing balance to price checks? More people providing an opposing opinion will add to the information available to the person who is asking, greatly aiding their decision. Pleikki has already stated numerous times that he intends to continue price checking the way he is doing, as is his right, regardless of how unhelpful that may be perceived. Perhaps we are all guilty of failing to add an alternative perspective in each case. Indeed, the entire intent of relaxing the rules in the price check section is to encourage discussion on the items in question. And the number of people who have taken the time to add considered replies here suggests that there are more people active than regularly comment in price check.
Perhaps if we all contribute more to price checks the one-sided and skewed perspective can be set straight. I accept there is a danger that every price check can then turn into “I wouldn’t sell for less than” vs “that’s random and unrealistic expectation”. The problem won’t go away until both sides of that argument adjust the way they price check. However, knowing how stubborn some of us are, flatly refusing to change our approaches won’t solve this. I would like to avoid the conflict I just mentioned, as it only generates friction. And frankly there is enough of this already. Any flaming however will be dealt with.
It has been my intention to start a constructive conversation on how we as a community can solve the problem of price checking, and as I hoped, there is a way out, but it will require an adjustment across the board, which some may find more palatable than others. But I urge us all to try it. Even the stubborn ones. Especially the stubborn ones.
There have been some reports made in here recently purely because someone has disagreed with an opinion that was expressed. With the reasons given clearly being political. This is not a reason to report anything, and repeatedly doing so will result in you being banned yourself.
We clearly want to know of any rule breaking as soon as possible so we can moderate accordingly, but using the report function because you disagree is not allowed.
There are two plagueborn shields currently in the price check section. One purple r8/16, and the other a perfect gold r9 and he’s been there for several days. And conspicuous by their absence on both of those is an “I wouldn’t sell this for less than XX armbraces” type price check. This is surprising as a seasoned price checker who claims to try and help the returning players would never miss the chance to price check both of those with a minimum number that would be acceptable. Strange. I wonder why that reply is missing from those two items.....
Without that invaluable information to a returning player it may be possible for an unscrupulous trader to swoop in and acquire said shields for way below market value, or even way below a minimum price which could otherwise be advised.
I’m not sure how I missed this for the last few days, so apologies for that.
The plagueborn shield is lovely. Gorgeous even. And will likely attract quite a lot of attention. I hope you haven’t sold it to a private bid already. Certainly double digit armbraces, depending on the demand.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a “I wouldn’t sell this below XX armbraces” reply to this. I wonder why.... perhaps a sneaky private attempt to snipe it cheap before being listed for sale has already been made?
Wish all the old screenshots there were visible
We tried. We really did. One of the primary reasons we created Legacy was to retain as much of the knowledge as possible. It was a scramble to save as much of the guru archives as we did, and without Smoke Nightvogue ’s help we might never have saved any of it.
If ure not looking sell them and yeah, here some idea what id personally think as lowest id accept for those
With right intrest and several bidding they could go even much higher, but those are what id put as absolutely minimal that imo not worth it to sell for less at this stage of game
I’m saying this as a trader, not a Mod. Pleikki please don’t say things like this for a price check. It sets unrealistic expectations. Just because you wouldn’t sell for less doesn’t mean the owner wouldn’t. The price these could sell for might not be worth it to you, but to others that could be a colossal amount of money and enough to achieve more than they could expect in this game. Your minimum, as a wealthy and seasoned trader, is likely to be very different from someone who hasn’t got unlimited wealth.
You’re basically picking a random number out of thin air which you’d be happy with and applying that number out of context to the seller, whose circumstances could be very different from your own. It’s misleading, and you’re making huge assumptions about the seller.
“This item could sell for X” is fine.
“I wouldn’t sell below X” sets unrealistic expectations.
And your standard reply of “in my experience” or “over time I’ve sold these for” just isn’t relevant in these circumstances. Just stick to what it could be worth, not your own out-of-context random minimum sale prices. It’s misleading and sets unrealistic expectations.
very desirable skin, r9 tactics and demons with -2/ench is extremely rare.
List it for sale here and don’t take private offers because you’ll end up ripping yourself off spectacularly.
This one could go very high indeed if there’s enough interest. It’s not the holy grail - that would need +45/ench but even with -2/ench it’ll attract the DoAsc crowd.Great find. Take your time.
Legend1, if you’re going to report every reply to this thread that doesn’t violate any of our rules, you’ll find your thread gets deleted.
Any post in this thread that is not against our rules is allowed to remain. You don’t get to set the forum rules, and reporting every reply will only result in one outcome. You are free to ignore these bids, but not to report them.
TLDR: stop reporting posts that aren’t against our rules.ANY post beyond this that does NOT follow these rules will receive an infraction. This thread is BUYOUT ONLY.
Holy Dwarfburgers, that set is so pre-nerf it actually hurts.
That’s ludicrously awesome.
And for that you get a heart.
❤️ -
Is this the first ever video presentation in here? I think so.
That’s a level of presentation I can never achieve - I still use Paint for my screens!
Nice work.
There are only three known to exist.
And all of them are with owners who won’t sell.
Dealt with.
Thank you
No doubt you will already have had quite a few private messages asking to buy it quickly. Ingame too.
Don’t sell it to private messages. Simply put, that is very likely to attract a lot of attention, and selling it quickly will almost certainly undersell yourself.List it for sale here and see where the bids go. I’d wager triple digit armbraces isn’t impossible.
Could I just point out that whilst the subject of P-cons and the wider economy as a whole is a worthy topic of discussion, that’s not what this thread is titled.
I’m going to grab the wheel a bit and yank it to the right just a tad to get us back on track, away from p-cons and back onto what we’d ask Anet. -
All this leads me to believe that not many people at all have a headpiece like this.
Rarity ≠ value.
You’re quite right, not many people at all have a headpiece like this. But in order to have value, there must be demand for it. There simply isn’t much (if any) demand for such a piece over and above collecting it for its peculiarity. There are a couple of collectors who might want it, but it isn’t valuable and won’t command a high price. Honestly, I’d find who might be interested and take whatever you’re offered.Customised minis don’t go high. Neither do customised headpieces, pre-nerf runes, jade wind orbs or other old and relatively rare items. Not because they’re not rare, but because they’re not in demand.
just don’t get your hopes up. -
Seems to be down already.
but when it was working earlier there was a moving ad advert for gold seller site in black buried in the log, which was most likely not from the actual in-game logs.
that is all.