Posts by Masil
Yeah I did not buy that, but I would buy that one if you have the other one 😎
Check your dm. The twin set was sold, not sure if it's the correct guy.
Create a time machine and go in 2008 to tell them
So your saying you shouldn't be unbanned?
? My account was hacked, I just recovered back. Wth are you talking about ? XD
Ah well, if it's twinned because of ANet being stupid, that's slightly less impressive.
Don't worry, they didn't do a lot of rollback I think. Pretty lucky they duplicated my q7/q8 items/OS dual shield/Mixed Dye
I've a cool twin collection now.
Now, I'm just checking some threads to find the twin missing from my hack (like this q7 sword)
I got a lot of twin items (q8 chaos axe, q8 shields...) because apparently anet rollbacked one of my hacked account before i did some storage transfer. This account was unbanned in 2018 and i was freaking surprised when i logged in after 10years haha
This q7 sword is from my hacks... so i can imagine they is like 20/30+ q8 twin somewhere
I sold a twin guardian of hunt 2years ago, maybe you guys saw it in a collection.
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Funny, as i told you IGN, I sold these 2 weapons to you but I found 2 more with exactly same value in one of my very old account storage
I know there is a twin of this one somewhere :
Last time I saw the sister, Foxy had the same sword with same value (edit: New B/O: Q8 15^50's Bows, Axes, Hammers / Q8 Insc. Magmas Shield )
BumP. aded 2 more low req items
BumP. Echo sold to Purely, meet a nice guy
I sold one last year around 120a.
For my 2nd HoD, i've offer around 80-90a .
I'm selling some stuff (mainly OS, prenerf, q8/7, shield, twin items, mini's). I will update with a lot of these items.
1) Perfect q8 staff domi post-nerf
c/o : 30e
r/b :
b/o :
c/o :
r/b :
b/o :
3) Prenerf q8 (+39^ench)
c/o : 16a (chronics)
r/b :
b/o :
4) Celestial bow q6 12-22 (max dmg is 14-22 fyi)
c/o :
r/b :
b/o :
5) Jade Bow q8 14-26 (max dmg is 14-27 post-nerf)
c/o :
r/b :
b/o :
Hello Shaggy,
I sell the dupe items as a set. Pretty sure some collector as interessted for this kind of items.
Selling some of my collection.
Low req items :
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1 ) c/o : b/o:
2 ) c/o : 2a (Montrell) b/o:
3 ) c/o : 4a (Cernunnos) b/o:
4 ) c/o : 3a (Montrell) b/o:
5 ) c/o : 1a (crazy) b/o:
6 ) c/o : b/o:
7 ) c/o : 2a (Montrell) b/o:
8 ) c/o : 1a (crazy) b/o:
9 ) c/o : b/o:
10 ) c/o : 250e (Test) b/o:
11 ) c/o : 3a (St patrick) b/o:
12 ) c/o : 16a (Montrell) b/o:
13 ) c/o : 10e (Montrell) b/o:14 ) c/o : 5a (Montrell) b/o:
OS items :
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1 ) c/o : b/o:
2 ) c/o : b/o:
3 ) c/o : b/o:
4 ) c/o : 1a (terry) b/o:
5 ) c/o : 1a (PyroLobster) b/o:
6 ) c/o : b/o:
7 ) c/o : b/o:
8 ) c/o : b/o:
9 ) c/o : 100a (evo) r/b met b/o:
10 ) c/o : b/o:
11 ) c/o : b/o:
12 ) c/o : b/o:
13 ) c/o : 1a (Krieger) b/o:
14 ) c/o : b/o:
15 ) c/o : 1a (Krieger) b/o:
16 ) c/o : b/o:
17 ) c/o : 10a (Aliana) b/o:
18 ) c/o : b/o:
19 ) c/o : 2a (Sicilianking) b/o:
Duplicated items (selling 2 items with same value/stats):
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Right to sell...
IG : Dragon Masil
shield 69 will be sold in 24h if no more bids
Shield 45 SOLD via pm
Got unded ceratadon in my sell thread , pm me.
Shield 34 is pretty nice q8 prenerf.
Received c/o for q8 cane = 5a
IG : dragon masil
got this on my sell if you interested :
bump. Added new items.
I changed number of items but i kept current offer i had on each item.
Good luck all.
New items to come...
Added a "too cute to merch" Buclker Shield.
Agree with Red Fireball.
Don't merch.
Stormbow + flamberge sold.
I would like a price check for this shield plz :
Thanks !
around 250e