Posts by Captain Krompdown
Oh, right.
#1 30e
- #5 Gothic Defender q13 str +60 hexed -3 hexed
It seems like Pyro is taking a break from the game. If he's not around to collect, I'll match his bid of 1a.
wrong reaver kromp! awesome set hyndzy (:
Ain't no wrong reaver if you're a reaver believer XD
Nice work, Hyndzy!
37 + 38
5e each
I don't know you or what your story is and this wasn't any of my business until you put the words "scam" and "[PhD] members" in the same sentence.
So you're going to have to explain yourself just a little bit more.
The last thing Legacy needs is another round of misdirected [PhD] hate.
Sounds to me like you got an opinion, made a decision, and then looked for more opinions after the fact. Now you're asking for more opinions to try and figure out whether you made a mistake or could've gotten a better deal if you kept working at it.
I don't know if you were around for the thread discussing Sawn's purchase of a Req 8 stance crystalline, but this sounds like the beginning of another thread like that. The big take-home message from that thread was that you should be equipped with some knowledge before you try to sell any valuable item. Judging by Moon's post, It sounds like you might've skipped that step.
Calm down with the "scam" crap. Sellers need to be educated so that they can make deals they're comfortable with and not blame other people for it when they don't.
Maybe a mod can clean this up before we go down that rabbit hole again.
Since we're going back for seconds, I thought I'd post something from my necro.
It's certainly not his best but is an all-time favorite of mine (I even posted it in the Underappreciated Items thread). I had the grim cesta for years, just as an oddball item. I never thought of trying to find a matching wand for it -- that sounded like a wild goose chase. But one day, the deadly cesta popped up in a trade screen
I'd say that's the most insane idea anyone's ever had for a collection but I know this is sane compared to some of your other creations 😂
Warriors mostly prefer Strength over Tactics, but for me I also prefer Stances over Enchantments on Warrior.
For me, the winning combo is stance sword [EDIT: OR AXE] & stance shield, regardless of the strength/tact dilemma.
It's really just that simple.
Stance gear is the best gear.
Yep. Stance wins every time, especially with strength.
They are ancient but they never get old :heart:
Still looking for interesting heavy (req 13 str) non-insc shields.
...if people want to enjoy it in different ways, LET THEM.
Maybe if you could practice what you preach, you’d feel better. I don’t know. Maybe not. Anyway, just thought I’d post before yet another piece of pointless rage gets deleted.
Funny how the people who post things like “get a life” and “it’s just a game” are the ones who get the angriest and most upset. Keep calm and lay off the caps lock.
I stand corrected on the legal status of RMT (I guess, not gonna research this). But my point still stands.
RMT is a corrosive force that is killing the game we all supposedly love so much.
MaxBorken Congratulations!
SawN Your evidence is weak. You are a gold seller, so you can’t be trusted in the first place.
Emma What’s wrong with RMT? Let’s start with the fact that it’s illegal. It also happens to be unethical and the fact that it’s not immoral to you and others like you is a major part of the problem. Your analogy with shoe buying just couldn’t be further off.
As for my little guild, [PhD] has always done the impossible...and we do it the hard way. I couldn’t be prouder if what we’ve done, what we’ve stood for, and how we’ve influenced the game for the last 11 years. When a person is invited to [PhD], it’s on the basis of their potential for greatness — not just in terms of their collection, but also in terms of their character. We take this seriously in [PhD]. Emma you’re 100% right when you say that not every member of [PhD] has been able to maintain those standards. You’re also right to point out that those people typically leave or are kicked from the guild. The fact is that we’ve has to kick relatively few people for that reason over the years. Most people who RMT eventually recognize the mismatch between themselves and the guild and leave on their own, like you did.
I take that fact to be a great sign of respect. Those who take the time to get to know us and see us in action everyday see very clearly that we take our mission seriously. We are here to preserve the history of the game, as manifested in its items, and to do so honestly. Sometimes people want to wear the cape for personal gain. Sometimes people can’t uphold our moral standards. The fact that those people leave the guild willingly only shows the degree to which our standards are respected, even among those who can’t uphold them.
The jealousy, hate, and disrespect somehow always (and only) comes from people who don’t know [PhD] and have never been affiliated with it. It’s just noise.
The other day, I drove past the city hall of a small town in the countryside of the Philippines. The front of the building said “Leadership is for service, not for power.” [PhD] leads by serving as curators of the game we all love so much. Doing that the right way is a difficult task. It’s not for everyone.
Last bump for a month.
While I'm away, all business will be handled through my emissary. Please contact Kabong (ign: O Kabongolina O) if you think you might have an item of interest.
2a heavy echo
Guess I jinxed it or something
Thanks to those of you who have sold me especially challenging items lately. I'm working on it.
100e plague staff
William Carlos Williams wrote a poem called "3 Stances"
It has nothing to do with shields.
At least I don't think.
This was the sound that a childhood friend used to make when he wanted to say that something was disgusting.
None of you have sold me a heavy shield or a nice short sword lately.