That's not a matter of opinion. And even without the "opinion" part, that statement is false. It's not even second rarest.
post data pls
That's not a matter of opinion. And even without the "opinion" part, that statement is false. It's not even second rarest.
post data pls
Have covered the prenerf exceptions to creature stuff here including the undead only in UW/FoW:
(Page 16)
There is lots of additional stuff that makes no sense. The one I cant never wrap my head around is the skeleton mod. All skeletons in the game are undead but not all undead are skeletons so its kinda a pointless addition (apart from looking really cool). Chalk it up to Guild Wars 1 items system being a bloody mess
Anyway thanks all, you have answered my questions! I shall wish for that elusive +1 fire +10 vs charr magmas or +1 air vs tengu shield or focus…
Don't have those combos but you might like one of these. I am particularly fond of the Dragon +1 Fire ones.
The sort answer is this:
Shields/focus in prophies (including TopK/Sorrows Furnace) can drop:
Giant / Charr / Tengu / Troll / Undead / Skele / Dwarves / Plants
Shields/focus in factions (Including Urgoz and Deep) can drop:
Demons / Ogres / Dragons / Plants
Undead only
demon defender - 30e
Shield 12 - 1a
Still going with the screenshot is a bug huh?
Still going with the "I did a giveaway once therefore I can't have done anything wrong since" huh?
Still going with "the guy who asked for the screen to check its authenticity is a scammer" huh?
Maybe try something else? or just give-up cause that account is now known to be a scammer.
You will need to make a new one and try again I'm afraid.
People already know who the scammer is (Hint: Its you, see screens for details). We just going round in circles, nothing productive left. You been exposed as a scumbag scammer, thanks for making it easy with ur sloppy paint skills and pathetic rebuttals
Shield 12 - 30e
My game is full of bug RE: Wtf is that
You are the scammer with your friend whos trying to buy serpent axe at low price on kamadan . There is the reality. All know it now.
I have made no offer and shown no interest in buying any serpent axe. As you well know an interested buyer asked my for my advice about a possible purchase and I said what I will always say "use a trade mod".
Its over dude, you faked a screen (badly) and tried to scam a serp. Then you linked that account to your legacy account with your own words. Please do keep replying in futile attempts to defend yourself though cause its hilarious
Also how come you deleted you toon? I hope that you put that cathan axe in storage b4 you did, worth a good 5-10e
The screenshot + the convo confirming that the player from the screen is you = proof. All can see its a fake. There is no debating this, Its incontrovertible. You took a screenshot of a cathan serp in kamadam against the wall, you cropped out the highlighted weapon in a rectangle shape leaving the corners in place. You put that layer ontop of a screen in Jarin where you had a Tyrian (almost certainly purple from sorrows) equipped. The background of the partially translucent weapon doesn't show the scenery behind like the trees or sky it shows a wall texture. It has nothing to do with the quality, there is more than enough pixels to see what you have done. Care to refute the side by side example below?
Or is there a bug that add corners to items and a wall texture for a background instead of you know the stuff in the background?
You are a liar and a scammer.
uh ? which alt ?
I was talking for him XD
Read my message again XD
So your advise is what? Trust somebody who sending blatantly fake screenshots that are explained in his own words as "a bug" because he did a giveaway one time?
I'll spell it out. He did some giveaways as rep building exercises to create trust so he can scam. He gives away 10a and a cheap Q8 Axe so he can scam somebody for 50a, 100a, 200a ect ect.
Caught red handed, end of.
Hey would you look at that! He has an alt account
here's a valid test for proof, trade the item To pyro for testing purposes only, the item will be returned to you valid or not, I and Many many people will vouch for pyro, ill even bet 250a that he will return the item, pyro will then once and for all confirm weather or not your a trash talking worthless cunt.
Approved legacy trade mods can also facilitate this role. MaxBorken
i said i dont know , if i wanted to scam someone i wont send this screen you dont think?
fake screen*
I aldready answered you many times its a bug or trash graphism i dont know. I did some giveway here why i would scam? Thats make no sense.
"Its a bug"
the custo crimes are real
trolls - 5a
Demon bronze 30e
I'm not bashing the whole community and you cant think that highly of yourself that you speak for the entire community.
You bashing "people". As you didn't name them or even imply a smaller a group than the community I took it as that.
Never claimed to speak for the community.
Well arent there motives???
Yes. You don't know what they are so don't assume its the one you want to believe based on your narrative that people are "greedy and ego centered".
I'm just really irritated by certain people here on gwl gives low PC's in order for certain ppl to buy cheap and resell
Agreed when it happens it annoying. Solution = remove price check thread and end all this nonsenses fortune telling.
Btw some people get really irritated when certain people here on gwl give really high PC's not based on a objective market value of the item but some irrelevant hypothetical like if they was the seller.
very clear to me to see the agenda when the q8 30hp -2we shields are so rare that they get a pc of 30-40a. Thats the range of a q9 version shields.
Ur opinion. I could just as easily say you are attempting to inflate the the price by calling 250a because you want to sell something similar. I don't know ur intent so I didn't, you shouldn't either because you don't.
I took that example because of my plague shield because I literally had to pay 1600/40a ish back then, to own that shield since I was in bidwar and I really wanted it and that shield is alot less valuable than this q8 30hp -2we shield.
Comparing a sale from years ago of a completely different item to the prediction of this items sale.... so useful. I've paid 40a for stuff you would consider worthless, its called subjective value.
Its worth something. Myself and a few others appreciate high gv stuff. Put for sale and let the bid war happen.
I knew that it would take time for anyone to PC this shield, ppl are so greedy and ego centered that they want any rare item as cheap as possible so ppl dont PC on gwl when they see new gwl users,even though they know its really valuable.
You the one bashing the whole community by assuming motives for non action lol. I'm bashing you're ridiculous statement about how the value of something can be X when u paid 3X.
Seems relevant when you proceeded to make a prediction on the price of this item.
I know what the value of that shield was and what I was willing to pay,but I had to bidwar a guy for it and it ended up on for around 1600e.
You voluntarily exchanged 1600e for that item. You valued the item at more than the 1600e you had.
The seller voluntarily exchanged that item for 1600e. They valued 1600e more than the item they had.
You thinking it was worth 450e is nonsense, proven by your own decision to pay triple that.
I had a bidwar a year or 2 back with a caster shield for monk prot,a plagueshield that ended up costing me 1600e which wasnt worth more than 450e.
An item was worth less than the amount you yourself were willing to pay? To whom was it worth less? not you and not the seller.. wtf are you talking about?
Perhaps not many PC'ed this item cause nobody knows what such a rare item would sell for because predicting the outcome of a sale b4 it happens is not possible?
Its rare and expensive. Don't sell to PM's. List for sale and see what the highest bid is. Then make a value judgement if you want that amount of arms or the item
PS. It has some extra special from being sweet on numbers. 16x8 = 128, +30, -2 = 156.