Q9 Storm Bow +5e OS - BO @75e
Posts by Mozo
I'll take...
Flowstone - 1e
Dagnar Stonepate
Prince Rurik
total = 7e
I have a few higher req shields on my sell thread you might be interested in.
Mods: sorry if this is the wrong thread. Figured based on the subject and how it relates to farming it would belong here.
Hello everyone!
Do you ever get those game-wide notifications in the chat window saying the world no longer has the favor of the gods or that there are X minutes of favor of the gods remaining? Believe it or not, getting "Favor of the Gods" is extremely beneficial. Long story short, you basically have a higher chance of getting Gold item drops. I talk more about this and even test it in the video below.
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.As you can imagine, now that it is Halloween where everyone is getting those survivor, sweet, party, and alcohol titles; the world has "Favor of the Gods" pretty frequently now. Same is true for most in-game holidays. It is a great time to be farming!
Here is the Wiki Page as well if you are interested in reading more.
ST15 - 15a
ST5 - 2a (previous bid)
IGN: Kala Ronge
ST15 - 10a - updated bid
ST5 - 2a - previous bid
#4 - bo, 10e
IGN: Kala Ronge
ST15 - 4a
ST5 - 2a
IGN: Kala Ronge
Stormbow - 40e
IGN:Kala Ronge
6 - 20e
26 - 100e
IGN - Kala Ronge
Added R/B and B/Os
Q13 outcast shield -dual stance -
40e3aIGN: Kala Ronge
Sry. Didn't notice the met rb
Would you like to buy:
OS Bronze Shield q9 tactics -5 for 20% and +30 handle
That is really interesting. I've never seen a blue one like that. PyroLobster may be interested in that one
#7 - 50e
IGN: Kala Ronge
#10 - 30e
IGN: Kala Ronge
Still looking for that +10 v skele and -2w/e shield
Bladed Shield - Q11 Tac -2 Stance, +45hp Stance -
100e3aSummit Warlord Shield - Q13 Tac -2 Stance, +60hp Hexed - 50eretractSummit Warlord Shield - Q11 Tac -3 Hexed, +59hp Hexed - 30e
70e amber shield
IGN: Kala Ronge
30e - summit axe
Shield 32 - 50e
IGN: Kala Ronge
Defender: 13a
IGN: Kala Ronge
Bladed Shield - Q11 Tac -2 Stance, +45hp Stance - 100e
Summit Warlord Shield - Q13 Tac -2 Stance, +60hp Hexed - 50e