Posts by Cloud Strife
A nice shield indeed. If I had it I wouldn’t sell for less than 15a
But always put it up for auction if you’re unsure.
Thanks for the tag. Dadan
First of I'm a noob tbh, a 15 yr old still learning GW noob.
I just learned about botting 3 years ago when I first came back from the long break that a lot of us has so my opinion about them isn't much.
Second off I'm sure botting affects the economy of the game, I remember when gold coins was like 5-10eor something like that, now its 1e each that's insane.
But I must admit, I indirectly benefit from the bots cause I didn't have to spend a fortune for multiple heavy bags nd bag upgrades. As far as chest running bots, idk. I like a lot of the items people sell from them so I cant hate on it. like pervious posters on this thread have been saying, enjoy this ancient game the way you that makes you enjoy yourself, as long as your not harming others. (like gvg intrupt)
Third nd Finale off, I personally could care less man like.. I see alot of passionate Guildwardians really against certain things like this and like that, and I get it, this is the game you love, the game you're passionate about. but for me that's a lot of unnecessary energy man but idk it is entertaining to read the beefs and wonder how the beef started, its hilarious man but, like I said, I am a noob I just found out about the double clicking of names to target player like a few months ago...blew my mind
I literally need this bro, I’ll even sell you sumn nice for it Mesmer or necro lemme know
Q9 gold shield of the 🦁 200gv
Lemme know
Hey I’m sorry to hear this, this is actually upsetting.. people can be bitter for weird reasons.. hey as a fellow human being I would look at this as an opportunity to work on self. If this happened to me, I’d be like, Ight bet. And get in the best shape of my life and learn ways to make more real life bread..
Keep your head up
60e on Dommy exalted
Amber Aegis
-2 Stance
+1 Smiting(20%)50e
Bladed Shield
+1 Fire(20%)
-2 Enchant50e
Bladed Shield
+1 Fire(20%)
Echovald Shield
+1 Domination(20%)
+45 Stance
GV 21250e
Iridescent Aegis
+60 Hex
+1 Domination(20%)
Magmas Shield
-3 Hex
+1 Curses(20%)40e
Magmas Shield
+1 Smiting(20%)
-3 Hex
Outcast Shield
+45 Enchant
+1 Death(20%)
Outcast Shield
+60 Hex
+1 Smiting(20%)
Yea it’s worth something to collectors I dont know the ball park on it tho.
I personally wouldn’t mind 30-50e
Kabong may like that shield
The cele axe nothing too crazy maybe a couple ectos out it up for auction.
Daggers 5-10e
The rest is personally merch
Plagueborn scepter 10e
I don’t retract often for that to be a statement.
The amber aegis ain’t bad I’d cop that
1. Can’t say cause mi want it
2. Salvage the death +1 20% think those are worth 3e or so
3. 5-10e or so
4. Not sure maybe 10-15e
5.katana i wouldn’t be mad with 45-75e give take depending on interest
6. Amber Aegis q11 hmmm not sure maybe 15-20e depends on who wants it the skin is beautiful.
7. 5e maybe
I sold a desolation maul a few months back for 83e. So I’d say 75-100e or so
Eternal prot 150e
Zodiac smite 20/20 20e