25e on fire eternal
Posts by Cloud Strife
I must Retract
Shadow Air400e -
Q9 round prot shield 30e
Q13 shadow air shield 45e
i just bought an Eternal bow q9 for like 25e, though you probably could get 35-50e for it. I also almost bought a q9 +5e Cele sword for 15e i think that's about right for it.
I sold a q9st bladed -2stance +29hp a few months back for 125e. I probably coulda got 250e but it took a while to sell. That being said these stats you have are better, so if I was selling, I would try for 7-10a at least.
Shadow staff Dom 10e
Shadow earth 20e
Q9 coulda brought a few-5e or so, idk bout q10. I would merch if it was me.
dope man
I’ll speak on the cele.
Not worth much. If I didn’t have a nice one already I would offer 7e.
The tall shield may have value even though the +demon is one off, still useable imo.
Shadow shield earth air and fire
10e each
(3/3 Update..| Added Demon Amber Aegis)
R.2 C/0 20e pending Delivery Blind Was My Fury
5e on amber shield
Exalted earth shield 7e
I have some q8 white shields if interested
25e on eternal bow
I'm rooting for you man
Eternal smite 75e
Ghostly death 100e