Echovald 21. 50e
Gothic defender 30. 40e
Ornate shield 30. 40e
Amber Aegis 21. 150e
Amber Aegis 23. 75e
Echovald 21. 50e
Gothic defender 30. 40e
Ornate shield 30. 40e
Amber Aegis 21. 150e
Amber Aegis 23. 75e
A clean prenerf, def worth a decent price. Auction it or Montrell it
Shid why not dawg
GoTH +1 earth 5a
I wouldn’t merch the spiked, somebody in Kama will pay you something decent for it
I'm online all night guys Amazon Of Melandru freshboyminze adrastos MarkTheAmFah
I’ll tak all staff mastery plz
I’ll be available tonight/tomorrow so I’ll hit many men up
Goth smite 10e
You can get something for it, I wouldn’t merch
It says tactics I can read!!
I haven’t forgot you all!
K3 150e I’ll def come online for this dude
OSW03 b/o
Thanks for the tag
7a on then plagues death
I’m available for deliveries tonight
Also added r/b and b/o for cele death
Shadow fire 150e
I’ll be on later! 80% sure
That spear is very interesting PyroLobster
Added R/bs to a few items
Amazon Of Melandru freshboyminze adrastos
I accept your offers and you can pm me whenever your ready for trade.