Posts by Tyrant

    Thank you guys so much for the kind words!

    I feel beyond compelled however to point out someone has actually complemented me on my Harvard level Paint skills in making a screenshot. My (in)ability of possessing a single artistic bone in my body makes me beyond appreciative for that alone!


    love you guys!

    (look at these try hards with their perfect q9 full sets of shadows and eternals)
    (I'm so not jelly or anyting..)

    Today I was finally able to complete a collection I have been trying to make a reality for many years. I love collecting shields as a whole as I have posted before in this thread, but Magmas shields in particular have always been my favorite skin and favorite shield in general.

    A huge thank you to everyone who has helped me in attaining these but specifically, IvoryR , Zenedar , Pleikki and Keitax are especially to thank in helping make this happen.

    One Happy Mag family atop Mt. Magmonstrosity


    This game continues to lend itself in making me excited about logging on and the community is first and foremost to thank for it.

    Thank You

    Well, in lighter (blue) news, I was able to add something to my collection that I have wanted for a very long time and a partner to my q7 Mag: A max damage Tyrian Tribal Axe


    Again, I know it wont mean much to many people but a max damage Tyrian Tribal has been something I have wanted for so long, so this is a nice thing to me to pair with the Mag.

    (I am the best +4 armor shield collector around)

    Cheers boys!

    Hello All

    Great thread, great sets, great posts.

    Figure I might as well complete the rainbow and post my favorite set which happens to be the grapiest(?) of grapes!

    My lovely Set of Ones


    And since I can take a moment to just nerd-out about the details of how symmetrical this set is from a numbers standpoint:









    The amount of things that had to align for the Warlord to drop and be a thing in general is crazy. There are definitely some insane weapons and shields in this thread, but for me, I wouldn't trade it for the world for the simple fact of how unique it is. For the uniqueness alone, as someone who appreciates a collectors item as much as I do, again, to me, it is a perfect collectors set paired with the Crysta.

    For everyone who has posted above me and who will post after me, you are all legends for keeping this kind of stuff going. Thank you for the continued fun trips down memory lane.


    Awesome stuff Tyrant! Impeccable taste in choosing collection heh ;). I feel like a pic is coming from me too soon thx to you :).

    Thanks dude! time for you to post the other half of the family now ;)

    I like the...well, you know which one I like. Its fraternal twin (mods on the opposite order) says hi. Beautiful set of things, Tyrant!

    Thanks! if at any point you wana post some hammers or something that would be cool too ya know....

    Thanks Kairi and Max!

    I've posted a few of my shields over time here and there but finally took the time to put a decent screen of my collection together. Magmas Shields in general are my favorite skin and my pride and joy, but shields in general are what I love to collect. Also I have a soft spot for those weird blue Ascalon collector/quest reward shields. (Featuring a Crysta because I refuse to post the Warlord without its complement)


    I essentially agree with everything Kromp is saying above. Oddly enough I had the exact same idea of the range/vote situation which I expressed I think to toobs ing. Which i still think is a great idea, but i also understand it's not exactly needed and maybe not exactly be the easiest thing to implement.

    Again the point of even posting this thread was to have the general conversation about what improvements, if any, can be made. Even just the dialogue can and hopefully will prove to be an improvement in general. There is nothing wrong in having these types of conversations and in fact is often needed as long as it always stays constructive.

    Ok, I just got a chance to read through this and put a little response together. I want this to also be a disclaimer that the original intent of this thread is not a bash the mods type thing. I made it clear that this is intended to be constructive and to open conversation in a way that isn't people just bashing one another, so i hope this isn't taken personally.

    I also want to point out im an idiot because the saying is Ruffle some Feathers, not rustling some feathers....facepalm. editing the title

    Max, first and foremost I didn't name names or mean specifically you in my original post because I wanted this to be objective in what we are talking about. And also because it isnt just you. I will be first to say it is clearly not just you and I am also not saying anyone is a "good guy/bad guy". With that being said, with you being a mod, I do think there are some conflicts in what you are saying above in this thread and how you might go about looking at ones role as a mod. Or the general role of a Moderator as a whole. Ones job as a mod isn't to "protect" anything other than the integrity of the rules set in place of the forum. Not its users, not the economy (which you literally can't protect), or anything else outside of what the rules say you should be enforcing. That is literally the job of any moderator, nothing more and nothing less. Again, this isn't a bash on you, but this is why I used the word Egos before. I feel like even just you saying you are trying to "protect an economy" discredits you from being unbiased as to what you think the economy SHOULD look like vs how it ACTUALLY is, which in return will be biased as to how you perceive what some items are valued at now a days, which simply can't happen.

    Which leads into the next point, this isn't about an economy being alive or dead.. People have been saying this literally since the beginning of time. If you want a more specific example, people lost all hope for things being worth anything when inscriptions were even just a rumor. Would you say there hasn't been an economy since 2006? No, you wouldn't and literally can't because there clearly has been. Maybe not the SAME economy, or one that people specifically like, but there has been and still undoubtedly is an alive economy. Which is where people, I feel, need to be more understanding of different markets within the economy and adapt to the changes of the markets as a whole. There are a million different opinions on what the markets SHOULD look like, but that isn't any indication of how things ACTUALLY are or how things even work.

    Cosy, You literally just discredited the very topic at hand without even seemingly understanding it. You have literal evidence presented to you, that what you are saying isn't very true, ie: what Chevy said. There ARE still new players in this game and markets out there for collections/collectors (such as Chevy) that still value items that are how you call it "white non max no mod low level high req items...or just about any item dropped in low level areas)."....You lumped quite a few different types of items into what your very disconnected view is of what is valuable to some people. low level items does not equal white non max no mod level items. This quite honestly, again not to be harsh, but seemingly goes to show the disconnectedness of what seems to be some people of this forum at this stage of the game.

    Again this isn't an attack on the mods, but it is seeming more and more of a lack of willingness to either stay better informed or, as ZXC said, enforcement problem, than anything else. The lack of even understanding what still sells by people who clearly don't even play the game anymore and lack of willingness to change and adapt to how items are perceived seems to be quite prevalent

    To the point above about there being less and less amazing weapons on the market, i just want to add that this notion directly adds to what my point is. With there being less and less "q7/q8/qwhatever OmGzor amazing" items, that only leads more and more people to find different ways to collect. That's adapting to the times. Making those "lower less valuable not so omg amazing" weapons have more of a market. No one is saying to take away people being able to say "Just Merch it" about something, but rather maybe people this late in the game need to broaden their scope or be better informed as to what has become more valuable since there is seemingly less traditionally valuable items left.

    I don't like using people specifically, because it's a bigger problem than just one or two people, but again this isn't a lets bash Max and Cosy post. Just being more direct and trying to find some middle ground here for a better solution.

    On the eve of the new version of this site coming to be, I feel like some other changes need to be considered. Recently there has been an influx of problems in the Price Check section of this forum that need to be addressed (again and in a more civil way). There seems to be a huge disconnect between some older egos, yes egos, that seem to be devaluing items left in this game. Not only devaluing items but chasing away any growth of lesser valued items that majority of the player base still go after. There was another thread that attempted to tackle this problem of "Merch, it's worthless" of which literally nothing has come of it. In fact it seems to have become a more prominent problem with people almost using it as joke.

    I will say very straight forward I don't have a solution. But There needs to be a different method as to who can give Price Checks and more validation to people who still actively play this game and participate in the newer market. This isn't the same game that was played and traded in many years back, so items should not and can not be valued in the same way some people still are.

    There also needs to be better (and this isn't the correct word for it but...) policing as to what is being discussed in threads for Price Checks. It is a section for exactly that, a valuation as to what you think an item is worth in the CURRENT market, without your opinion on at what price someone should sell or not sell an item above or below. There seems especially with the most recent very high end items posted in PC that people are giving way more of an opinion than should be allowed in a Price Check.

    Again, I don't have a solution, but there needs to be more of a discussion for one in a better way than what was discussed in the last thread that turned very personal between certain egos. I named the thread Constructive Feather Rustling because it is obvious by the last thread some of you are going to have your, wait for it, Feathers Rustled. Keep the egos out of this and just keep the discussion to how a better system can be implemented. Constructive criticism is a great thing.

    Because Pleikki is the legend that he is, he followed through in actually farming an 11% pommel for my favorite set that I own to complete the set, and its a Giantslaying pommel to boot. Threw in some fillers around because who wants to look at snow..



    As always, a big thank you to Ikki
