q9 dom - 325e
q9 earth - 80e
q9 death -160e
q9 dom - 325e
q9 earth - 80e
q9 death -160e
q9 dom - 250e
q9 earth - 80e
q9 death -80e
1500e on the lot useless
1,000e on ALL POSTED
it's Anets fault always is.... Oo
Before you sell anymore of the better ones aka "fire & Earth" already gone.
You wanted 1,000e for the set you asked someone via PM but couldn't understand I was asking for price to buy full set like I said ALLLLL
Seeing 2 are gone already that I wanted I'll offer you 800e on ALLLL the rest
20e fire
130e chan
250e death
80e dom
OR 750e on whole set
20e fire
130e chan
160e death
80e dom
OR 600e on whole set
500e on the whole set
20e fire
110e chan
90e death
20e dom
30a Darkwing
200e Firebrand
Tall Shield q7/15 800e
Tall Shield q7/15 400e
Tall Shield q7/15 - C/O 150e
Q8 Ram's Hammer +15ws 50e
Q10 tac Skull Shield +41we +10vsCharr 10e
Q9 tac Wooden Buckler +41we +9vCharr 10e
Q13 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 10e
Q9 tac Amber Aegis -2ws +45ws 110e
Q12 Death BDS 60e
Q8 restoration Shadow Staff HCT Fire20% (Pre-Nerf) 35e
i'm not sure that it matters what I think....... it's my thoughts.... But yes a gold seller or botter could have easily had those items laying around & spend 90Eu Filled it & took a screeny.
A dev or tester however could have easily done that in seconds & that was my point. Is that ok with you? if not to bad.
I'm not sure.......is that what you think i'm saying?
never thought i'd be battling over an insc item with Pleikki that I was already supposed to own...
465e last & final offer
Pre fun
That assumption would be incorrect, as platinum and loot generation commands were never available to typical game testers on Live Server, and according to Michael O'Brien and Gaile Gray, the Dev Team also preferred having these abilities disabled for themselves on it as well, to avoid any possible suspicions of influence on game's economy. Thus, things as such cannot be done by any testers just "in seconds", unless they disposed the required amount of materials from actual activities they performed earlier.
pretty sure the screen I posted bunked your theory. it's been removed & sry but unless they changed things you're wrong.
4 fiftyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
retract all offer seeing as you are probably selling the best items to someone else
"removed zodiacs and charr magma, they are no longer forsale."
this image from reddit, credit to original owner ofc xD
yeah that's a Dev lol
I have a screen from Pre with every high end mini going also a friend sent me lol
guess your PM to meet up to pick this up is off? lol
430e I guess
Izzy I'm surprised you don't have the Anniversary pane unlocked yet lol
Q8 Ram's Hammer +15ws 30e
Q10 tac Skull Shield +41we +10vsCharr 10e
Q9 tac Wooden Buckler +41we +9vCharr 10e
Q13 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 10e
Q9 tac Amber Aegis -2ws +45ws 110e
rune of holding in pre definitely gets a +1 from me - 10bd would be something, could even cost more.
On the vanguard part I'd vote for removing the quests altogether - only real men could get lvl 20 in pre back in the day. The loot would destroy pre market altogether - anything that's worth something today would be common crap by tomorrow. At lvl 18 the bosses would easily drop max q8 stuff, 20% charrslaying or the likes. We are in pre. It was good as it was introduced - vanguard, guildhallbug, drop from vanguard ruined it a lot. The added kits were an improvement just like the charr bags imho. But the vanguard was the end of the old pre.
And this update is sweet! Even though I'd have liked something else than more zcoins to get you the deal - something you'd have to discover. But the added space is very welcome - my tower shields got a little claustrophobic
That being said...Pre drops Would be the same as Seitung Harbour drops tho yes. With the possibility of max 20% charr slaying yes but the weapons would give new life to pre players. The economy would actually boom cause we'd be buying & trading for newer weapons just like we did when the vanguard drops were left on when they started. I think it would be a good thing imo. I've been trying to buy max purples for some time now & they just aren't out there.
Ruin of Holding update for pre players 10BD from merch or a separate NPC would seem fair?
Kinda sucks Pre always gets the shaft on Holiday things except for the drops.
I've been after Anet to allow Vanguard drops back in pre. They are non max & just abit higher dmg than pre drops.
Either would be Epic for the faithful players of Pre-Searing
Thanks for stopping by last night Bill! Was very cool to see your over sized tonics lol
up new item on the block