Resurrecting myself to comment. It depends which version it is exactly. There would be two different prenerf versions of this staff. One is accounted for, one isn’t. I’d place the more common one at maybe 5a or so (it’s not that common among prenerf greens). As for the other one, well, I’d offer more, personally, because it’d be a new find.
Posts by Unholy
Exalted Aegis - 1e
Deldrimor Talisman - 2e
Amulet of the Mists - 2e
Wayward Wand (Divine/Heal) - 2a^ The wayward wand is prenerf. See this thread for more details: Greens
Knowing that, the following ones may also be prenerf, but impossible to tell in your image as is. I'd be interested in some of them if they turn out to be.(Edit: none of them were)Brrne's Recurve BowKaolin WandGordac's NeedleFlint's FleshcleaverWoe SpreaderThe Scar EaterStrongroot's ShelterUrgoz's Flatbow
Very cool! You’re probably the guy to ask; do you know if it’s possible that the boss drops the same green weapon multiple times? Or is it limited to one unique green per drop?
Kepkhet is the only one that does that afaik. Never seen or heard of it happening on any other boss.
hey unholy nice drops, let me ask something with the character you got these green, has running non stop the instance for these bosses? or just random map visit ?
The triple was after at least a couple dozen runs through SF over the span of 2 or 3 days. Unfortunately none of these 3 were ones I needed at the time...
Logged in to this silly game for the first time 18 years ago today (not counting leap days).
Other random things:
Fun double drop from (maybe) the only double green boss in factions.Still grinding out the last few unid replacements for postnerf greens. (See here if you'd like to help)
I've probably done well over 1,000 solo boss kills in SF over the past several years. Only just now got my first triple green drop from one of them...
Lucky #7 -
It's been some time since something new turned up. A 3rd version of Talous' Staff poked its head out of the ether and said hello this morning.
This was one of the 12 still unaccounted for, so now we're down to just 11 left to find! Single digits when??
I've updated the OP with a new image of all 3 versions of Talous'. Thanks
FWIW, you may want to browse these threads: Prenerf
As for your question, maybe the q8 10/10 paper fan I had drop a year or two ago?
I started in late 06, so I missed the window for most prenerf stuff dropping. That’s not to say there’s nothing now that could compete rarity-wise, because there definitely is, but I get that the pool of possibilities was a little more fun back then.
I've seen mobs with animal names a few times, but this is the first time I saw a gold pile that wants me to attack it so badly
I had a Locked Chest go red bar like that once.
It's true. Sometimes they get angry.
Visibility bump. Still working on cleaning these up. Thanks
bump, bidding has ended for a few other items. other bids newly accepted and will lock 24h from this post. couple other R/Bs and B/Os listed.
The following people have items to pick up still. PM whenever. (I'm online now)
m4sc0tte Nooice Hate Core Blind Was My Fury Abigail Savage Bubba Metimeatm Mr. Clean(-Value) Red Fireball Ostona WhiskeyTangoSierra
50e thunder
Most things with bids have just under a day to go assuming there are no further offers (these items have been marked in yellow with an updated time). All bids should be up to date as of this post (please let me know if I've missed something).
Ostona , I'm assuming you meant to say 9a on i15, so I've marked it as such. Lmk if that's not right -