not even max for q8-drops nowadays, so merch...
Posts by 6chdirect
title is totally wrong, is + 45/-2 stance, no ench at all, you should change that...
Very nice shield indeed, good luck selling it!
Single mod shields are merch in almost all cases, maybe you get 5e from a collector since it's a nice skin. I would have merched it...
pointless discussion, 100% merch (or maybe 500g per hour you try to sell it, when you find someone in 2 weeks who pays a few ectos for it)... 😉
Icy Blade Axe - req9
Draconic Aegis - req9 Motivation
Edit: Thx very much for the two gifts!
Imo 5-10e, got two of them, not so rare & hammer. I still like it!
Daggers are not even max for q6, salvage the mods (they are usefull) and merch the daggers!
no rare skin (& a hammer...), so hard sell, 5 - 10e max...
2A & 7A: 50k ea
Noone wants to burn his fingers?^^ Ok, putting my gloves on!
All only available in factions elite missions, so quite rare in q9 (15^50), and at least interesting skins, but still hammers what few people are interested in (what a shame!). I would say lower end XX ectos for each.
Put it for sale & sell for what your are happy with/keep them!
Would love to say "wait for more opinions", maybe they crush me now for my pc and give their own !
lately a blue SWS was sold here. This one should be the same price range. (maybe some one can find the auction because i am not 100% sure what sale price was at the end. but wasnt really far away from a gold version afaik)
Pricecheck from a SWS
" Gold is 5-10a. Blue is bit rarer and might go for more (yes odds... )" Quote from Red Fireball
I sold that for 9a, see my post: CLOSED SWS 8/16 tactic (Blue), b/o lowered CLOSED
Where did it drop?
No words now.
Maybe later.
I can only imagine how much this must hurt, having the by far nicest collection of hammers and then this piece from heaven. For me it makes no difference, in my eyes your collectionposter is and will always be the coolest of them all, the only I ever printed...
Skin is extremely common (chest runs), 20/10 is not wanted if not on a rare skin, just not worth the effort to find a buyer. Extremely hard sell, put it on a hero or merch imo...
250 Mysterious Summoning Stones
Would love these, pls!
ign. Graf Doenerfisch
Let’s let this run for one more week or so
This was in in April, just wonder if the project is still alive, can't wait to see the final poster!
it's even hard to sell this skin 20/20 in req9 for 5e, so this one is 1/2e or hero/merch...
So a Blue rarety shield can't drop from these chest wich makes them more rare in blue then in Gold.
Interesting, didn't know that!
Just seems that higher rarity could only compensate the cheaper colour since it was more or less the price of a gold q8 shield I got for it. However, was ok for me, even if maybe someone in kamadan would have paid more, you never know. But on legacy, noone was interested to pay more then the 9a (10a was buyout).
Always the same problem: In the end an item is worth what others are willing to pay for!
That shield goes for 400-500e.
Sold exactly the same shield (but in blue!) a few weeks ago for 9a/540e (CLOSED SWS 8/16 tactic (Blue), b/o lowered CLOSED - Selling - Guild Wars Legacy), so he maybe should get a few ectos more!
merch, sorry...
24 hours to go! Last bump, b/o lowered!
Thx for bids! Since r/b is reached, auction will end this weekend (5/29 at 22 CET). Further bids are possible!
Thx for the offer, r/b ; b/o added!
thy for the offer, bump!
Since some people seemed to be interested in buying this lovely shield, I check how much these people are willing to spend for it. Haven't decided yet if I want to sell, so convince me!
r/b: 8a
b/o: 10a
Hey guys, dropped this pretty shield a few mins ago in Vloxen, any help is appreciated, thx!
Blue but quite cool (Vloxen HM)!
My one and only 8/16 shield (gold) ever dropped for me, and since I mainly did my luxon title in jade quarry with a monk/para playing a build with 8 command, it also was (and sometimes still is) very usefull, not only a collector item!
Since they do drop inscriptable as yours out of the endchest urgoz/kanaxai, they are not so rare (I got some myself, also req9), I would have said 10 - 15e. If you really got an offer of 2 constacks, you should REALLY take it!
Hey, got a few nice staffs for sale, if I can accept the offers (otherwise I keep them).
Auction ends 3/17/21, 22 CET ; a bid within the last 24 hours postbones the end of the auction for one day.
Happy bidding!
earth: r/b 30a ; b/o 40 a ; (10a) (ardunain) staff far away from selling
water: r/b 25a ; b/o 30a , (6a) (Xanjo Ki) staff far away from selling
illusion: r/b 5e ; b/o 15e, no bids so far