Tips for getting high quality screenshots?
Posts by MarkTheAmFah
Love it!
What's been your main money maker?
Quelle surprise, another ironman challenge!
Inspired by the incredible stories I've seen of iron-GWAMMs, I decided to make another ironman character with a bit stricter parameters. I love Swiftfolk's idea of GWAMM before 20th anniversary, but we'll see...
Myoriginal rules were:
- no deaths*
- no Xunlai storage
- must used only skills available from skill trader available at point in campaign
- must only use elite skills that have been captured (no tomes/heroes can only use captured skills)
- rune/material/rare material traders allowed
- trading with players one directional (buying prohibited however can sell items for profit).
- Nightfall NM -> Factions NM -> Prophicies NM -> EotN NM. Then HM begins.
- Tomes/Pcons/cons only allowed if dropped or crafted
- no partying with other players (except with other Ironman characters).*Abaddon had his say with this. Died in the final mission of NF. Decision was made to continue with the character, contradicting my initial goal of 0 deaths. I guess 1 death isn't so bad when a literal god killed you.
Next step is to finish capturing NF elites for myself & heroes, then head over to Cantha.
I had a long weekend free, so I decided to marathon GW for the first time in a year or so. New ironman character.
Day 2 drops have been insane. Unbelievably, I got a 20% Forget Me Not today too. RNG gods going wild out here for me. I should take a year-long break more often.
Oh, and this was my shield drop from day 1.
Don’t see these around much so hard to PC.
Put it for sale and see what offers you get.
Q4 crude 1a
13-2: b/o 15e
Thank you
Long Sword 15a
Long Sword 5a
ME 7 : b/o 1a
MO 4 : b/o 1a
Take both of these ty
- Outcast Shield q11 tactics, +28, +1 curse(20%) : 50e
kinda cute lol
VERY cute
Spiked sold for 35a to Cloud Strife, delivery pending
b/o prices added tomorrow for most other items -
Best oldschool Shield i had in a loooong time. Dont even know if its worth much, but the fact that its nearly perfect is enough for me
My best OS shield drop from a few years ago. Snap!
q9s Spiked Targe -20% Dazed +30 - 2a
c/o from Cloud Strife is already 2a my friend.
Bump it up. -
This must be one-of-the-best, if not thee best, best SSS in the game.
Ornate +1 Str 5a
I’ll hold off giving an accurate price check as I’m interested in buying this.
Put it for sale and let people bid. A few arms, at least.
Not sure what you're hoping to achieve bumping a thread 8 times meanwhile you have a WTS thread for the same item.
Take what you can get. The Exalted heydays are over.
2a + 1k is a fair price.
ok now the Gods are just FAWK'n with me
30 minutes later
1 hour later.............
I think I will just uninstall now
Man, I'm surprised you're upset by these drops. Not because they're any good (they're shite), but because core skin 20/10s and mis-matched attribute staffs are unbelievably common. Pongmei churns these out at a frightening rate. Maybe lower your expecations