My Agent Chevy - ING intensifies ðĪŠ
Posts by Mr. Clean(-Value)
The 300g Exalted and the q4 shield are my favorites
nice Collection and keep em coming!
Only OS item. Shields can fulfill your wish of a clean item Name. It's totally understandable.
Also only max mods and a q7/8/9 and X00g Value and you sir have the same problem Wich is called "CLEAN-Items"
Can't you remove the handle with a perfect salvage kit?
Back in the days I think Shields came without handles later they added the 30hp mods as a freebie. Not sure if I am tripping as well
Really love the clean GV ð.
But how did he get the red Version?
some people may ask.
Here is the answer:
If it had 69 gold value it could have been a good one.
I think "Elite Syncer" would be a very suitable name for the 40maxrank one
Bot among mere Mortals ððð
Finally I won guild wars..
Love the inscr on the shield ðĄ fits the vibe
It's TongTong 's fetish, I am not there anymore to please his needs of Oozing so you are his targeted Choice.
Feel honored and buy yourself some good washing lotion to remove that sticky ooze.
Keep it friendly and keep it clean boys n gurls
Put it into auction and see what offers u get. If the bids are going to stop coming set a timer like "48h item gets sold if no new bids"
When the current offer pleases you after that u take the deal ðĪ
If not just don't sell the item. Prices are varying a lot depending on intesst. Like sometimes 300-1000% what a normal market or price heck value would recommend selling.
Some item see no interest gets sold 50e a month later 2 people go crazy for it and it goes for 500. I have seen it all.
Check : PvX Wiki maybe add the tag guildwars and google it. There is tons of good builds.
Overall I don't recommend u warrior at all and specially not axe war since it most likely will rely on the skill "Frenzy" Wich is not beginner friendly. It's a "hard to play hard to master" - role.
I recommend u grenth derv. It heals more then ur build and deals more dmg then u would do with a axe warrior.
So go grenth derv and get used to Frontline at all. Then maybe switch to hammer warrior as you proceeded on your Frontline skill.
I also highly recommend you the GvG scrims where u can get thought the basics. But please be thick skinned since it seems your PvP exp seems to be far below average and some of these guys can get a little ruff at first but are all good guys! (with a few exceptions xD)
I'll grab my results and watch the Popcorn!
I would merch both.
If some one collects all q9 axes or looks exactly morning star axe 15^ench then it could hit a 10-20e. But hard to find buyer ngl.
Make it :
Merch to 5e
Hard sales tho.
Only if someone looks one specificly on WTB in kamadan or here then it can get obviously more(20-50e depending how desperate the person is and how greedy u wanna be)
But these are not like super looked for
002 15e for the 15/50 thanks Hate Core
OS a couple ectos if cool mod like + HP flat most likely "salvage mod" or "increased sale value" so then it's merchant
Inscr like 10-15e and hard sell these days
A caster sword/axe so clean that it makes your eyes bleed
+5 Energy
+5 Armor
500g Value
Technically it should be possible. I saw Req8s in the high 400+ like 456 eternal shield ðĄ
PS: Skin wise I am a bit open maybe just not a short sword since nothing is short on Mr. CLEAN
A vamp +1/-1 Mod would push this set to straight God tier ðððð
Looks like the start of a great collection to me Dunc ððð
23 is kinda interesting. I agree on the rest as well
Photoshop ðļ
It's somewhere over 1 heket leg and under 1 unded Kanaxai
This items price will be decided by a heavy bidwar Wich end is not predictable
A q9 20/20 Dom straw effigy was years ago around ~500a
Curses is less desired than the Dom-Attr.
Paperfan and Straw are I would say Head to Head skinwise
Q8 obviously is way superior and may make this item unique to this day. Other can may confirm or deny this fact
These bots communicate with you Spun Ducky ??? Seems like these son of a guns are getting more advanced from day to day.
Maybe the DoA-Bots have already formed some kind of consciousness, started prenerf collections, opened up Legacy accounts and infiltrated even high valued collectors guilds.
Whats fiction and what's reality??!! Have we become to far???? ðąðąðą
Very Good Advice from Swiitisch ð
Great collection but my inner Monk says to me " Please remove the Armor mod in the hammer" ð then it's 100% clean approved ð
I would merch all.
But allways good luck on future farms and runs. The gems are out there ð
That q0 8 armor +8vsCharr +25hp is a wet dream
The req 8/16 9vs Tengu +25 is also a beauty. With 8 armor and 100g or 88g it would be unarguable the best item of the game and worth multiple unded Kanaxais
Dadan after seeing this
A second mod would have made this a piece unique and worth multiple arms maybe dozens of pandas ðž
I would merch this piece in best case its a handful ectos but mostl likely not worth the time â
In this Tempo Chevys Collection will be finished in a couple weeks!
PS: May I suggest to drop less non max dmg and more clean values? Would be great. Much thanks
The Plat Blade for Agent Chevy be like :
GZ on the titles Foresta
Btw I really love your profile Picture ððððð
Salvage mods from branch first before merch
Else I agree ð
Exactly ð Red Fireball i promise I will better myself and be more precise in the Future. You could also say that i Will make more "CLEAN" - Statements.
Sorry for my dirty description of the color ðĒâđïļð
I highly recommend dyeing the Chaos Axe in "Eternal Blue/Green/Turquoise" for the real set look ðð