LgiT used to. I think they are still doing
Way more deep then urgoz tho. Deep also I think is better time/loot ratio. But urgoz here and there for the fun 😁
LgiT used to. I think they are still doing
Way more deep then urgoz tho. Deep also I think is better time/loot ratio. But urgoz here and there for the fun 😁
Highest weapon I have seen was a q9 iridescent aegis dropped from Gentleman Xander with a 660g Value. ( With a Value inscr a potential 700+ Item, but we didn't checked. It was merched after all, good money tho 🤑😂
Highest weapon I have is a 678 (with inscr) staff Atm.
There was a collector with a ❤️ for the - 2Stance and 60hp Hex comb 😁 check the Collections section for more info - Thread name - "What is X00g" 😉
Marvelous! 😍🙏
PS: None of them is X00g so straight to da merch wit Dat junk 😂😂😂
I mean that would be a hella cute set
It's one of my favorite spots! Would love to see the stastics. Did a good portion of my max treasure hunter and maxed my luck title NM there
Best thing is that no armors drop there.
Did u run q8 NM or HM?
I am exciting to see if it matches my EXP (~2000-3000k HM and ~2000k NM)
I'd use the fawq outta that
Cause it's basicly a 10/10. The 20% HCT mod on a 16 FC mesmer with Conset is just for your eyepleasing when looking at it.
A 20% HSR single mod would most likely have a higher DPS 😜👌
If q9 and X00g. You know who you gonna call 🙏😄
... What are the odds?
I did the math and it's 1 to 1337.
Or wait was it maybe 1 to 69 🤔
Hold up I did it the final time and 1 to over 9000 is my answer 😄
I disagree on the Plat wand.
There was one with fire 🔥 attribute here for price check with same mods. It sparked a huge controversy. People where estimating it multiple arms. Me I estimated it for a double digit ecto range.
It was listed by fiedel and maybe he can tell what he at the end sold it for.
But the auction was going insanely long. Like a month and the wand struggled to reach 100e.
WoC and therefore Platwands is highly bottet. Air wands are not popular at all. (only water would be worse)
At the end to the right buyer it may be 5-10a. Some people here even claim to have sold q10 non perfect echovald Shields for multiple arms because the skin is soooo hot and rare...
At the end auction can show. But I wouldn't be surprised if the wand runs out of Air (pun intended) at the 100e mark.
Edit: I had a q9 20%hsr 10%hct Air Plat wand.
It was listet 2-3 weeks and reached ~15a. Note that a energy mod is not as desired. And a 20/20 should not be existing would make the 20HSR and 10%HCT in q9 the best one out there. Since u don't want an 20%HCT 10%HSR.
Kamadan Tradechat dot com
1 off max q8 inscr swords I have seen here selling for 30-60e depending on skins. I got an ornate scimitar q8 gold 1 dmg off for 50e a while back.
Best is to try auction and see where it goes.
There are only a few SaO* gate glitches for the Cartography titles or to look the unfinished and never implemented dungeon in EotN
*SaO = Strike as One - Ranger elite Skill in beast mastery
Might be worth noting the skins that are available inscr, but not in useful attributes(i.e. Wayward Wand is primary attribs only)...it seems kind of false to list Wayward as inscribable when every attribute people want is only available for non-inscr. Straw Effigy is also like this. Trying to think of others but drawing a blank
Zodiac staff and Zodiac Sceptre would go in same categorie.
Desolation was the rumor to drop very rare elemental swords(wich was one of the, if not the most expensive sword skin pre EotN) , but crystaline not afaik.
These went to the Hall of hero chest after not dropping gold in Prophecies anymore. Later they got to the Z-Chest also.
Thanks for offer and help Both cool but sadly not what I am currently looking for.
I have merched those. Been seeing them beeing tried so be sold for 5-20e.
Me at least had zero success with selling them.
Worth a try and if u get tired it's also no shame to give if to Shame-Tam in Kamadan (it's the merch name Shatam) 😅
Skull Shields is like 5-20e and a rather hard sale these. It's one of the most unwanted skins.
Wrong order Shields are merch 👌
Joking bro it's a very nice shield. Has the potential of XX Arms range.
My guess is around 30a+ Can be in it. To be sure list it for sale. At the end a bidwar may happen.
For green shields : Tanzits Shield Tanzits
Gothic Defender
Amber Aegis
Echovald shield
Plagueborn Shield
- Sword
Celestial Staff
- Sceptre
Collossal Pick
Forbidden Staff
Blades Shield
Bo Staff
Koi Scepter
Paper Fan - Golden and as offhand - (Purple Exists on WoC weapon- as a wand )
Paper Lantern
Ornate Shield bsoltan
Dragon Staff Surge goes pre
Feel free to copy the list and add more stuff
FDS 50e if it's a X00g Value
Zodiac shield - 2wS 20%Weakness 300g
Thanks for the offers
Leonte Florin Wich Gold value does the sunburst have?
Red Fireball got the guardien and since nothings short on me the short sword isn't a good match for me 😂😂😂
I just need the 200g lesser guardien spear for the
Greater guardien 400g / Guardien 300g/ lesser guardian 200g - Set
Thanks for help ❤️🙏
S12 1e PyroLobster creature + condi mod. Didn't u liked those?! 🤔
Q10 heal CC I recommend Kamadan tradechat. Should be easy searchable since it's a mass product.
Fell blade - salvage mods and merch
I would estimate at the ~50e mark.
1a would be a hell of deal in my eyes. Q10 and stance is not really a crowd pleaser comb.
Yeah depends on the skin.
I merched core skins.
Most likely the mods will sell higher and better then the staff itself sadly
Still the mods in a good day can get u 2-5e each sometimes in Kamadan
Magnifique!🧐 J'ai une tour Eiffel Dan's me pantaloons! 🗼je would merchante a la kamadan avec Shatam. bisou bisou 💋 mon frere.