10a on Zodi q8 15^ench
Posts by Mr. Clean(-Value)
The hunt for a matching HCT/HSR goes on...
Oldschool Cool will be very pleased
Storm bow 20a
Zodi 15^50 55a fashion07
the gold value doesnt roll in +4 like on golds or +2 as on Purple.
is it +1 like on whites/blues or any other weird pattern ? Answer Yes it does its +1 or even +0 to unident but that is only on one item from Unholy confirmed so far so we need more here
why is the Gold value diffrent? Answer : It is between 35-70g (unident value is 35g so it rolls from +0g to 2x unident value)
how is the gold value influenced? (do HM drops have more GV on the green version then NM dropped ?) - Answered: No influence from NM or HM
Thanks for all help
Gold values on Shreaders Talons so far:
60g 65g 56g 43g 49g 52g 40g 36g 64g 36g 36g 39g -
q9 zodi staff sold 80a
so B/o of the q10 lowered from 12,5a to 8a to stick to the "get your zodi q10 for 90%discount compared to q9" - rule I set up.
R/B met on the amber aegis Cloud Strife I will sell of no more offerr in the next 48h
I would merch it
Q12 kills it. But salvage mods before. These are 1-3e each
150e on 11
150e on 12
lets make it easier to bid
the bundle bids get confusing
Plague sceptre is worth an auction and can grab some ectos
The q9 naked storm bow 5-10e to collectors If needed
Same with other q9 max mod martials
Rest seems pretty merchy
5a for all together
Agreed with above
If embossed where 1/20 healing and not 1/19 I would try even with the hex mod cause it's a q9
But as the items are I agree with zenedar on that one.
Still u can try sales on them while 5e would be a win in my book.
i would say not useable but a collectable for sure
worth trying to sell and will grab some ectos i can imagine
10vsCreature +1/20% shields came a little in hype this one hops on that train a bit. Someone will buy. Put it for auction and see where it goes
Magma 1 b/o 10e
(-5/20 27hp q12)
Shield 1 10a
Shield 3 50e
Bow 2 20a
Bow 13 50e
Dagger 3 20e
Not a value related collection (soowy
) i really love the wooden STR buckler still i would loved it to have been 12 armor and 100g clean value
(same with eternal shield also 1 roll on GV away
Also Thanks to PyroLobster for not only beeing flaming hot and having delicios red meat. Also tossing me those 2 beauties. The Zodi and the Amber
#3 = 10e +4gold hoping it will add 4 gold to the value
I mean cmon pack it in. make a ribbon on and lets make it a clean 40k for that
I take number 9 + 10 + 11 pls.
Adds up in a total to 36platin. Can I get discount because I buy 3 at once?
Golden hammer maybe has a X00g value on bottom? 10e if so
kazoodleyy thanks for looking. Suntouched staff i allrdy got but thanks for offer
Celestial Shield 8 30e