Posts by Zes
Current Gwamm Project:
Absolutely fantastic job, love it!
Check out these cool totally not photoshopped q8 dags I just got!
1. 50eish 2. Merch 3-4. 10-20e eaish
B to the U to the M to the P
With this I would like to challange everyone to come out with their most menacing outfits in the spirit of the upcoming Halloween! Especially Ostona , Gentleman Xander , Swiitisch , Blind Was My Fury ! Bring it on!
Insp ww 20e
Agree with the above
Pretty sure no value unless for a niche collector but unlikely
All 1 off on mods or non q9, so merch/self use/try to get a couple of ecto but probably not worth the trouble except maybe the exalted shield
3a to kick off
Never knew you were a fellow hun btw
Merch/self use/heroes/get what you can for them x-xxe tops but hard sale probably
Double digit ectos for each tops
Xxe seems about right
Do we know for sure if the Serpent Axe is canthan?
Demon echo xxa, illu shadow might fetch xxe, others merch/self use/couple e tops
I'd throw some ecto at that hammer