I’ll try and see if it works, might have to change halo then. Kinda wanted to go for an angel of death kinda vibe. Chaos gloves fit the halo glow in that sense^^ And also very stoked to use Shiro’s Blades for the first time ever. Always thought “it’s req13 so it sucks”. But after playing N/A Dagger Spam with a full team build around it, it won’t even matter if they would suck (which they don’t because look at them 👀). Fashion Wars above all 💪🏻

Fashion Wars / Show your Character
Big Nostlagia
It’s always good to make another warrior
It’s always good to make another warrior
Fun fact, this is actually my first warrior, with some very cool weapons but never really played it:p
Number 3 my favorite.
Followed by number 2.
1 and 4 are dope as well. But a bit to basic for me. And xandi ain't no basic b*tch 😎👌
Damn the flow of the purple color in the second one is just top notch fashion wars! 🤩✨
This man got style !
Godlike Zes 🤩
this one for sure
The green of the pants 👖 is sick!!!
Here are my favorit sets
With this I would like to challange everyone to come out with their most menacing outfits in the spirit of the upcoming Halloween! Especially Ostona , Gentleman Xander , Swiitisch , Blind Was My Fury ! Bring it on!
With this I would like to challange everyone to come out with their most menacing outfits in the spirit of the upcoming Halloween! Especially Ostona , Gentleman Xander , Swiitisch , Blind Was My Fury ! Bring it on!
I see what you did there.
Current Gwamm Project:
Current Gwamm Project:
Absolutely fantastic job, love it!
is it just me or do mahgo hydra faces kinda look like the tengu mask?
Now that is badass!
By wearing just the bare minimum?