Did you beat all 4 campaigns? Your progress makes me want to make ironman where you can do your own collection ☺️
Posts by Seven
q13 illusion 50e
3a hooked daggers
q8 that i have never owned? U can contact "Teh Pro Derv" the new owner of my q8's... u r ridiculous boy... or just jealous maybe... who r u? pretty sure u have never played pvp... if u r speaking about HA as pvp, ofc its dead.. but do u know gvg? not sure, if u need i can explain u. well anyway, when u say pc r 100% legit, its just in your mind... its pointless, u just want to troll, i have other cats to hunt.
i repeat, 5a is too much.
My pc's on other thread are good, u can compare to other opinions, i'm in range. Maybe something is wrong in your life those days, idk, but get lost dude. U r acting like a crack addict or an alcoholic who is in lack of his dose... i'm fed up with your troll comments anyway.
Just because you sold your item way below price doesnt mean other should follow your path. Perfect atri shield are liked by many. 5a is on lower end if there wont be interest. But im sure already miles will pay you more
Its hard to tell price since it looks Like collectors item and rly Only auction will Set price depending on how many people will want it. It can be 5e but also could be x arms
B1 15 Ig: Vanguard Gladium
Thats nice shield. Bidwar can pop Up price a lot. I wouldnt sell it below 5a
My current necromancer look.
Damn Thats nice to see vabiann pants mixed with something other than obsy
Woe Spreader: There's a pic of the pre-nerf stats for Siska's Staff in the OP, but this is the first of the four Elliptical Staff greens to be confirmed in game. Siska's and Ssuns' should have a mod and color change, and Ssyn's should just have a color change. Stats and order are identical. Icons are different.
PostRE: Info and research on prenerf greens (Outdated)
I have added all the new the new find to the first page (let me know if I missed any).
Final count :
- 4 with different stats (and sometimes color)
- 25 with different mod order (and sometimes color)
- 65 with a different color (edit)
This evening or tomorrow I will also post some updated Potential prenerf list and some of our latest find on the color and mod order thing.Oldschool CoolSeptember 29, 2021 at 5:38 PM so please, check before trying to discredict my comment dude. If its just to be sarcastic, it's a bit useless here! if u don't know how to check that kind of infos, don't speak here...
tru recycled man he checked these staffs in game. And pictures are mady by unholy. Please take a break from at least pcs
I think it still is worth a lot. Maybe not most desired star but all mods are matching. Typical answer Only auction will tell but imo its xx arms Wand
Selling as in title
9a eternal bow
explain your comment, or it's a bit useless to speak about the defender, which defender?
Pushing blindly price of your friends item
btw its just your opinion...
My is the same. That defender bananza was silly
Lanterns are blasting recently
can u answer? which price do u think i had to sell my q10 amber tac 10 +45/-2we? why my friend, who knows prices, told me it was 80e max? so q10 is 300-400e??
I think you shouldnt sell it below 5a
anyway for me 200a is really too high, q9 strengh and not tactic, while stance and not while enchant...
Stance is always worth more with strenght than tac. But i agree 200a is too much since even this skin is one of rarest, recently it have been botted too
+10 vs undead is wanted those days, idk why, but its popular. u can try 20a ez
Shards of orr
3a on nr 3 fella
I would gladely give you 10-15e for the spikey i need one (q9
the q8 spiky should go for 10a + at least
the crenelated will go higher i would say 20 - 30a range
put both q8 on sale here
both are worth more than blindo says. Especially crenellated. Its 50a++
I think its more of 5-10a range
it doesnt drop in gold q8 right?
I am almost sure there was one for sale
I think there was also clean eternal blade. Possibly with tooburns
It’s dual zeal dude tru recycled
axe 70e
hammer 50e
Man you should retire from pc I think axe like couple ectos hardsalle
Hammer merch