Posts by ondenoire
25-30a maybe more if bidwar
bump remove stuff add 2x tower
REtract R/b to hight for me
A1: q8 +5e Zodiac Axe 210a
yes max armor can drop at values as low as 136g (33g unid, with the min random addition of 1g and a rarity factor of 4 for gold items)
the boss spoke
hey yes can still drop with low gv in nm like pogmai
yes merch 1off and bad mod
+8 is prenerf on gold no ?
purple eternal 50e Dadan
last bump b/o on
@T Miles
sell item since 24h until r/b meet
P1 2a
P2 1a
P5 5a
P16 5a
P17 5a
P18 30a
One of my best set now thanks Raining Ecto & Pleikki
q8 Longbow 15%ench 1a Mango
Very cool seeing so many people into purps, really awesome sets. And thanks Raining Ecto for the complement lol here are a couple of my grapes as requested:
I think Raining Ecto is right
what a grapes Gz
Req8 Strength Embossed Aegis -2wEnch +39wEnch (PURPLE) 5a if ar16
bump ty guy i ll add b/o in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 10 AM on Friday 14