Well, on the positive side of things, it's a longbow for pulling?
Posts by Forty Second Rogue
I do like that axe.
I dont mind the R11, even the less than desirable skin.
The one off though.
I'd say a dual reduction shield in a core skin, Tall Shield or Defender ( shaped like a rectangle, Old Roman Legion style?)
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Here is one of my q0 staves, clean 200g value and +10e is awesome. Modded just perfect to add absolutely nothing
That's pretty slick.
Other than the +5 Zodiac Axe, hero use.
Maybe the R9 Oni daggers may be worth some ecto
See what others say
Possible q0 8-12 spear skins: what are possible? And from where? Can any add information to the list? In the best case with pics
Istan: Banded, Windblade, Tribal, Crenelated, Spiraling, Suntouched, Pronged
Eotn/Caverns/Glints: Broadhead, Clouded, Draconic, Forked, Serrated, Skull
Dung low lvl: lesser guardian spear
I think this dropped on the mainland, I want to say when I was farming Lightbringer points leaving from Dzangour.
or hell maybe it was the island,I dont remember
Does any of you know the name of the guy that sold tons of q0 spears?
maybe adrastos
I'm not positive
Would merch all / use death staff on mm hero.
ty for the quick response, q9 bow isnt valuable either? or is +5 just not that sought after on bows
It's not a skin that would warrant someone wanting it, its good for a hero.
I have been playing GW for a couple days and have been having rubber banding frequently, is this a known issue or could anyone provide advice? I have lowered the graphic settings as low as possible and that did not help. Below is my system info. Thanks.
Device name FreedomLaptop
Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) Silver N5030 CPU @ 1.10GHz 1.10 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.83 GB usable)
Device ID F1199951-2F5F-421F-B45F-9D5535365AEF
Product ID 00342-20728-50598-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this displayI dont know if it matters or not. You may want to consider deleting your Product ID from your post
Thanks! And it is refreshing to try remember good memories from over the years, but who could remember everything?
Here is cool 10/9/8/7/6 Ghostly i got two years ago!
This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time
20e +15-5 sword
Forty Second Rogue with codes unused?
I wanted to install alone, wouldn't work on an old Guildwars email address, wouldnt work.
Added it to an account that Guild Wars hasn't seen.
Isnt that the (in)famous 420 guild?
It gave me all three on one kraken run
It's not uncommon to have mixed attributes on wands and staves.