During the favor, on a full moon day, i drink a grog and use Lunar Fortune... no, i'm kidding :p
I had shared this, but to see no one succeeded (?) hence my great astonishment, because there's nothing magical about it. I think they weren't doing it exactly like me.
I'm going to run a few more characters to work out a little tutorial and establish some rules. Basically getting a new character out of Eden -> Desert of Sulphur and getting one takes ~3 hours (3 hours from creation to drop pack). But, importantly, you can only have 1 per character. You don't need to run through this place 10,000 times, you'll never get a second one.
out of eden? why no be more specific and clear, I am confused.
I may be wrong here, but i believe he's talking about Crystal Overlook and Zehtuka's Pack quest