I know its 1-off max but just curious if its still worth anything.
Posts by Smallish Dayz
Does anyone know if protection prayers staves drop normally? The wiki seems to think that several attributes do not drop for staves on several OS skins.
"2 Uninscribable. All spellcasting profession attributes except for Healing Prayers, Protection Prayers, Soul Reaping, Fast Casting, Inspiration Magic, Energy Storage and Restoration Magic have been observed." - wiki quote
If this is the case that's pretty sad, I guess I will have to wait until nightfall and inscribable weapons before I'll have a 40/20/20 prot staff on my Iron Monk.
1500e for all
I have a ranger I made back in 2008 who has yet to even get to lions arch.
I also made a ranger back in 2008, the oldest character on my account, he made it to lvl 20, beat proph, beat factions and was in the sulfurous wastes before i went to go help a guildie move from factions to nightfall. They said I was good at ranger and asked to see my build, they loaded it on their factions ranger and asked "what about the other attribute points?" It only took me 3 years to figure out that i could have 2 skills at 12 instead of just the 1
dont have arms atm but 1500e for the fds
9. 1000e
21. 250e
29. 250e
Tall 7 b/o
21 - 50e
29 - 50e
IGN Smallish Dayz
Bump, selling tonight
selling on 8/25 to highest bid
The wiki needs to be updated, it states that straw effigies drop in insp instead of fc
edit: this is for insc drops
Huge shout out to BeastCf this is my first ever q8 and hopefully will lead to a wonderful collection.
Or break ToS enough and help yourself but keep in mind this approach is not advised.
With 7 account wide titles you can skip all vanquish and carto on characters that start with ldoa
The 7 account wide titles being Zaishen, Lux, Kurz, Lucky, Unlucky, Wisdom, and Treasure. All of which don't "require" pvp
What about the infamous q8 str gold insc Gloom Shield? That would certainly be a drop worth mentioning
Where would this even drop?
2100e or 35a take ur pick
I would guess the luxon criminals faction farm. I can't think of the name but kurzick side equivalent is duel of the houses. Those guys are level 20 even today.
The quest you are thinking of is The Jade Arena, to get there start from breaker hollow and head southeast. Quest is gained at point P
100% recommend this! Did 1000 keys last weekend and we ended up opening 4k keys, lots of drops so helps to bring an alt.
Whatever you have left by the weekend I'll finish off for you, let others enjoy this service first though.
Yeah I saw this in his thread, made me very happy to see. It was the first post in his collection thread so I figured it would be less than classy to ask him about acquiring that treasure.
What are some people's most desired or "Unicorn" drops? Anything from statistically rarest to raises the most eyebrows. Are there any currently available drops that only exist in peoples dreams?
Personally, I would love to find a q8 FDS with +5e. Ever since seeing that sword for the first time in presearing years ago I've held it in high regards as a collectable.
q13 blunt magmas 25e
r/b demon bladed
2a demon bladed
Email: [email protected]
Password: I5uckT03s69420
It wasn't a drop but I finally did the thing.
15a forked sword, meld stop bullying me
12a forked sword
40a gothic sword