Posts by Feitan Thunhil
Py4GW ?
Yup, same cheat toolbox that you used. You can look at your post on the 200th page of that thread known as HeroAI. You even have a « collaborator » tag on their public discord and you still come here to complain about these imperfect items. That’s what you get maybe on a weekly basis as a regular player. At least, that lovely library got you that perfect SSS. Gz 🤡
Py4GW is working hard for these dualmodded items 🫢
Then it’s a gorgon one. I would add it to its selling thread. This skin is really nice compared to the diamond one
Maybe you could add the skin : diamond or gorgon, It could bring more interest if it’s a gorgon one
Max damage range for a q2 sword is 9-13 so I would merch it. If it was q1, you could sell it to a collector.
Last wands of that kind went for :
250 BD for a 17/17
21 BD for a 15/15
225 BD for a 17/17
500 BD for a 17/17
Feel free to join the presearing discord, you can search auctions that were run.
Collectors will bid for sure and dictate the price. Last naked weapon I remember had a~340a offer. It was a q12 obsidian edge.
might interested in this: Chaos Axe, q10 +15/-5eThreadCouver Clan's stuff - new stuff added: 20250317
all gold and max, otherwise stated.
OS = oldschool, no inscription slot
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Leave a post here or ping me (Vans Sweet).
I'm gladly adding u to my fl, please leave your ING.
Feel free to ask if u need something.
cheersVan CouverDecember 27, 2024 at 8:03 PM
vanThanks for the offer but I’m only interested by q9s right now.
If it’s still available and undyed :
Chaos axe q9 20_50 : 50e
Bought one yesterday for 150e on gwlegacy
I’m looking for some OS q9 Chaos axe. The axe must be undyed :
- +15%/-5e
- +15% vs hexed foes
- +15%/-1 health regen (DV)
- +15%/-1 energy regen (DZ)
100e on #2 if the axe has default color (no dye ever applied)
Last Bump!
#48 #49 sold to dadan for 15e
#4 sold to Fhade for 10e
#6 #5 sold to Metimeatm for 15e
#42, 44, 45, 78 sold to Praise for 25e each
#65 sold to Unrealz for 20e
#72 sold to Nooice for 10e
#35 sold
Pending delivery :
#48 10e for Dadan
#4 10e for Fhade
#42, 44, 45, 78: 25e each for Praise
It seems there could be some interest regarding some random OS chestrunning items I got that I can't decide to merch:
37/38/39 staves are Core skins - 43 Factions skin - 78 Eye skin
Feel free to bid.
Item will be sold 96h after the first bid if no other bid on it.
Second and further bids will shorten that time to 48h.
Items with no interest will be merched in a week or so.
IGN : Feitan Thunhil
A guy from LGIT got this blunt dammage jitte, how is thsi possible ?
Nice apoguita HeroAI GUI 🙈🙊🙉
5a q10 obsidian edge
I’m selling Black Dyes for cash in presearing.Thanks
I want to sell :Green Rock Candies : 4e/eachBlue Rock Candies : 7e/eachRed Rock Candies : 11e/eachAccepting arms : 2a=95e
All sold
Anyone else getting 007 errors when trying to enter missions? I can't enter any missions on any characters in any district. Clicking "enter mission" DCs me.
1) update toolbox
2) you might know what to stop because your account is flagged
Shadow Blade q9 +5e : 1a
Backend/internal changes -> flag sketchy accounts -> add policy clarification to Arenanet’s code of conduct weeks later -> banwave 😎
I want to sell :
1250 Mysterious Tonics + 250 Cottontail Tonics
S/B : 120e
End : 36 hours after last bid
Either outside ice caves of sorrow or outside of granite citadel in spearhead peak?