Not sure if this is either super valuable or merch material.
Posts by Paragon Ninja
Hello all,
I needed a new challenge in Guild Wars so decided to pick up a new Iron Man challenge. Did a few before, but always started in Prophecies. So I decided to start in Nightfall this time.
I'm going to use this thread to post updates, mostly for myself but you guys might enjoy it too!
The rules I've set for myself are:
- New account (no previous obtained skills, no previous title progression)
- No dying
- No storage
- No other players in my party
- No player to player trading
- No /bonus
- No mercenary heroes
- Every quest needs to be completed in order to move on to the next area
- No traders except merchant and armorer
- I only may use consumables I obtained due to drops or presents.
-Viva la Voltorb!
Thanks, probably just gonna use my Dervish after all
Hi there,
I've finaly decided to make work of my Treasure Hunter title (4560 now) and make a dedicated build. I just used to use my regular builds with regular heroes. I've acces to all heroes and all skills, what would be the best build here?
Paragon surely has some useful skills such as "Incoming!", "Fall Back!" and "Can't Touch This" (I run Pongmei Valley a lot). "I Am Unstoppable!" is good too, but I don't have any clue what is good next to those skills. And never utilized my heroes for chest running before.
Thanks in advance!
Funny chest drop today!
My third gold drop was pretty good!
Armor looks great Baklawa! Congratz on completing NF, I'm currently in Maguuma Jungle chasing the Shining Blade thugs!
Good luck!
I love to see this kind of challenges, it really gives the game a fun new angle. -
I've guided my people through the harsh Shiverpeaks and aided the nice fellows of the White Mantle in their battle against those filthy undead. They even gave us a nice little place to live! We don't mind a few undead, ettins or fire imps (everything better then those damned Charr!). Things are good here in Kryta and I think the White Mantle and our people will be best friends forever!
Blues and Purples can be underappreciated so I am showcasing these that dropped back-to-back for me.
Both have a reputation of not being the most common...
A Max Blue OS Sickle (doubleaxe skin)
and a Purple Dual Modded Strength Wooden Buckler.
That sickle skin is one of my favorites!
Hey, Red. I didn't get the Unid value down. I'll make sure to get that next time haha. I am farming here a bit lately.
How are the drops? And do you have a quest active?
thanks Charr
That's one sick shield!
Did an hour of chestrunning in Pogmei Valley (HM):
- 20 runs of 3 minutes
- average of just under 3 chests per run
- 37 gold items in total
The big pro of Pogmei is that it's easy, I do it while watching shows or a movie. The downside is that there are no really great drops (no Q8's).
Isn't that skin extremely common (drops a lot in eotn) or am I missing something? I merched a ton of these lol.
Yes, it's rather common but I love it and it has some nice stats
gz! i accidently clicked spacebar one too many times and i'm at 100,005
Delete your account and try over! 😅
Update from me:
its kinda late screenshot as I finished proph and did enjoy factions that much that I didnt bother taking any screenshots
. As you can see I got armor mix that I rly like and was possible due to Gates Of Kryta farm HM which I really enjoyed, hopefully gonna hunt there perfect Sephis Axe.
Ocassionaly I started buying lockpicks which get melted rly fast as its new account and I dont have any lucky title to boost chances up. I havent gotten any great gold item that I could show yet. What I can say is that Im happy with latest zelaus for axe mod find!
I am slowly getting more skills for my warrior and heroes.
Plan for now Is To Beat Abbadon! Venta Cementary is awaiting me
This update is after a lot of work done. Dont expect next update too fast
Woah! You go like lightning so fast! That armor looks sick btw, nice job. 🤗
Lvl 7 now, still in pre searing. Choose Monk as a secondary for the extra protection. Got my collector's armor and finishing up the last quests of pre searing. Haven't fully decided on the iron man rules, but one rule is that I am going to do all the side quests of a region before a move on. Also collecting the 50 flowers to get the equipment bag.
This screenshot I took reminds me of how well GW has aged. The Catacombs in Pre searing have a special place in my heart.
Sick rod! Mind sharing what you paid for it?
Hello all,
I've been playing Guild Wars on and off since 2005-ish? To keep things interesting after all those years, I've decided to go for a Deathless Ironman run on a fresh account. I've chosen to be a Ranger since they have quite the survival skill and to be frank: In all those years of playing GW I've never complete the game as one!
Meet Victoria Voltorb!
Anyway, I am going to update this thread now and then to show the progress V. Voltorb has made! For now, what's a good secondary for Ranger in Prophecies? My thoughs are Warrior or Monk. Any thoughts?
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The Potential this one has..
Perfect for fighting those pesky ice imps! Super nice shield, gz!
I salvage drops to craft consets, always have a few on me for usage. But I only pop them when I really really am in a tight spot. So I craft more then I need, the ones u don't need I sell.
I recently had the same experience as you, joined a PUG for quite an easy zaishen mission and was quite surprised someone popped an entire set. Sure, it saved us a minute but was totally unnecessary.
How does one obtain uncustomized shields? Is it a bug?
def not the worst favor!
That longsword..
Nice extra while vanquishing!
Depends what ur economy is like. U can prolly fetch 25-75e with patience in Kamadan or legacy.
Thanks, might try to sell it here if I have some other items.
Worth selling or merching?
Well, this would be my contribution
-The Monk-The Sin
Now I know, full obby armor, how original right?
Well, I'm more into colours than the items themselves so I've been trying to dye with multiples of a single colour with a fourth different one etc, because dying it black never sat right with me, it feels like the colours gets dull... So What do you do? You PAINT THEM WITH THREE BLACK DYES, (a splash of white might've been involved), AND VOILA! I Call it obsidian purple, the most expensive paintjob currently for sale ingame. (Excluding pre-nerf dye, please don't bash me).
The monk is just a smiter Balthazar would send your way when he feels like you've been bad and should be double RoJ'ed while right wall blocked.
Edit: And while fooling around with skins and dyes, I recently found out that Envoy Axe, oddly enough, is the only Envoy weapon that can be dyed.
*Cry in dervish*
What weapons does the monk wear?
Dualmodded and a sweet skin, that's about it. But I think it wont get any better today.
Pretty cool...
Holy cow, that's a chest runners Holy grail! I wonder for how much armbraces you can sell it.
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Nohting too fancy, but the cool OS q9 skins are nice!
Alright don't know what to thinkPretty cool items!
I'll be online in a couple of minutes, whisper me at Paragon Ninja. You can have it for free.
I think I have, there are several different versions so just to be clear: Is this the staff you're looking for?