b/o gothic 3
Edit :
ign Figo La Rana
b/o gothic 3
Edit :
ign Figo La Rana
Ok .. I’ll bid again
Blood Ghostly ; 250e
ign : Figo La Rana
Tetsubo 5e
Hmm not sure if still available but if so :
7e each on +5e Kris and stilletos
I’ll buy a pair of zodiacs !
- Figo La Rana
Truncheon 10e
b-15 & a-6 : 5e/ea
Q9 blood Truncheon : 3e
DV 15 -1 Shortbow : 5e
Q9 Summit Axe +5e : 5e
Have to retract sorry
1a on ghostly to start
Sephis 50e
Please retract my bids, found one in game.
Thank you
Shield 1 : 115e
Sephis 30e
Sephis 15^50 : 10e
Here's my offer :
(In stacks)
40x Hard apple cider - 40e
20 x Bunny - 50e
40x Bottle Rocket 60e
: Total 150e
Ign : Figo La Rana
Twin Hammer 3e
ST-107 : 10e
Colossal Pick 15wE : b/o 5e
Ebon Golden Maul q9 15%-5e : b/o 5e
I’ll take both
Any interest in Q10 Dual Vamp Colossal Pick?
Let me know how much you are asking please :p
Up 2 new shields and 1 naked vertebreaker
Blood Koi Scepter : 3e
cockatrice Q9 Blood Magic 20/19 -- 3e